Set up=someone get blaimed for something he didn't do n.&v.冤枉,陷害
例句 I didn't steal your DVD player.I know I'm being set up. 我没偷你的DVD播放机。我知道我是被冤枉的。
He was set up by the mafia to look like he was guilty. 他被黑手党陷害有罪。
On the lam=escape from sth.,usually from the law 潜逃
例句 He was on the lam from the police after they found out he was using stolen credit cards. 他被警方发现偷盗信用卡之后就一直潜逃。
You're gonna have to go on the lam if you don't wanna go to jail. 不想坐牢的话就快逃。
Read one's mind=understand what they're thinking or feeling without their telling you 读透……的心思
例句 We spend so much time together.I feel like I can read your mind. 我们相处这么久了,我想我明白你是怎么想的。
Just because you know I like Tom Cruise,it doesn't mean you can read my mind. 你不要以为你知道我喜欢汤姆.克鲁斯,就认为你很了解我。
Break it up=stop doing sth. or divide a task 1.停下来 2.分工
例句 Come on guys,let's break it up.We don't wanna get into trouble for fighting. 别再吵了好么,我们谁也不想打起来,不是么?
That's a huge project.If we break it up,we'll finish faster. 这是个大工程。要是我们分一下工,还能快一些完成。
Cold blooded=deceitful,heartless and selfish 冷血的,狠毒的,自私的
例句 You knew I like Sarah.Why did you ask her out?That was really cold blooded. 你知道我喜欢莎拉,还约她出去?你可真够狠的。
Stealing that little boy's skateboard was really cold blooded.You even don't know how to ride it. 你都不知道怎么滑就偷人家小男孩的滑板,你可真够差劲的。
Turn one's back=look away or pay no attention 不理睬
例句 As soon as I turn my back,I knew you are gonna steal my job. 我不看都知道你惦记着我的那个职位。
Every time I ask you for help,you turn your back on me.why? 每次我向你求助你都不理不睬,为什么?
You'll always have next year. 你还是有机会的。(安慰人的话)
例句 Don't worry about not making varsity team.you'll always have next year.
Ahhh,I missed my favorate band.
Well,I guess you'll always have next year.
Before you know it=something's happened very very quickly while you won't pay attention. 在你不知不觉中。
例句 One day your daughter's crawling around in diapers,before you know it she's dating a guy driving a motorcycle.
If you start saving now,before you know it,you'll have enough money for college.
Watch it. 让开;当心一点
例句 Hey hey hey,c'mon,watch it.The truck is coming really fast.You might get hit.
Hey,watch it buddy.You almost stepped on my new shoes.
Show some backbone 把你的勇气拿出来,把你的决心拿出来。
例句 Mom is good at keeping everyone together.She is the backbone of the family.
Hey Mark ,c'mom buddy,why don't you show some backbone and ask her out?I know you like her,right?
Clear sth. right up 消除疑虑,消除误会,解决问题
例句 If you start taking Vitamin C, it will clear that cold right up.
There's obviosly been a mistake,let's clear this right up so we can all start working together as a team.
Let me practice on your head 我要给你点颜色看看;我要教训教训你(威胁)
例句 Hey,either you stop criticizing my cooking or I start practicing on your head.
Up for sth. 愿意,并有精力和能力去做……
例句 You know what?It's a long hike to the top of the mountain.Are you sure you're up for it?
I've been working all day long.I'm really tired.I don't think I'm up for going out with you tonight.
"a spare" is an extra one of something in case the first one breaks. 备用的,多余的
a spare tire 备胎
The tire is flat. It's a good thing I have a spare.
Do you have a spare dictionary I could borrow?