Play one's game = to compete with or fight against someone 陪某人玩
例句 Don't listen to Cathy. She's just trying to make you angry. Don't play her game. 你别生Cathy的气,她是故意想气你,别去跟她闹。
My girlfriend thinks that by flirting with other guys she can make me jealous. Well, I can play her game too. I flirt with other women. 我女朋友认为,如果她跟别的男人调情,我就会吃醋。没问题,我陪她玩,我去跟别的女人调情。
Be fit for sth. / to do sth. 适合……
例句 You never come to class and you never do homework. You are not fit to be a student. 你不来上课,也不做作业。你不适合当学生。
Hey, you're very sick. You're not fit for work right now. Go home and relax. 你病得不轻,现在不适合干活了。回家休息休息吧。
A different world 大不一样
例句 Living in Australia feels like a different world from living in China. 住在澳大利亚的感觉跟住在中国完全不一样。
Stuff sth.. 狼吞虎咽地吃……
例句 Are you hungry? I could stuff a whole chicken down my stomach right now.
你饿了么? 我现在能把一只整鸡塞进肚子里。
Put sb. on the spot = put sb. in a difficult situation 让……难堪,让…下不来台
例句 The teacher put me on the spot today when he asked me to read out loud my essay in front of the whole class. 老师让我在全班同学的面前大声朗读我的论文,这真的让我很难堪。
You're really putting me on the spot by asking me for money. I don't have that much right now, either. 你管我要钱我很下不来台的。我现在也没有那么多。
Spill = to reveal or disclose personal information 1.把内心世界讲给别人听 2.(引伸义)泄露
例句 Janny was so upset with the fight she had with her husband. She had to spill all the details to her mother.珍妮和丈夫吵架很生气,她得去找妈妈好好地聊一聊。
Who spilled the news about the surprise birthday party? Now everyone knows, including the birthday girl. 谁把生日宴会这个惊喜泄露出去的?现在包括寿星在内,所有的人都知道了。
Walking felony 危险人物,恐怖人物
例句 That girl is a walking felony in that dress. She is so *y that she made all the other girls look bad. 那个姑娘可是个危险人物。她穿那个裙子太性感了,其他人都黯然失色了。
There's a walking felony. That guy's so drunk that he looks like he's about to ride his bike into the back of the bus. 那有一危险人物。他一定是喝多了,想把自行车往公交车上开。
Talk sb. out of sth. =convince sb. to change his mind 劝…不要…;劝…改变想法
例句 David was to drop out of school.I'm trying to talk him out of it.
I can't talk her out of marrying him.She won't listen to me.
A good look for sb. ……很适合……;……穿……很漂亮
例句 That light jacket makes you look like a rock star.It's a good look for you.It's so cool.
brace yourself 做好准备
例:Brace yourself the economy might not get better for a while , start saving money now.
This rollercoaster is really wild! Brace yourself
bankroll something 为某事出钱
Eg: I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new night club.
Eg: That company is bankrolling our office party this year. Everything is free. 那家公司今年要为咱们办公室聚会投资,一切都是免费的。
seeing things in black and white 把什么问题看的过于简单,刻板
Eg: I'm seeing things in black and white , you're either with us or against us. 我把一切都看清楚了,要么你站在我这边,要么就反对我。
Eg : You have to stop seeing things in black and white, there are many ways to look at a situation. 你不应该如此简单的看待问题,因为有许多方法的。
in no time at all= to do something very quickly 没花多少时间做某事
Eg :I can’t believe I finished my work so fast. It took no time at all .
tread carefully 格外小心
Eg : The situation is very serious, tread carefully. 形式很危险,要格外小心呢。
mix things up = to try new things where old ones are failing. 换个新花样,新方法
Eg : let's try to mix things up today in our program.. 今天我们尝试着在我们的项目中换个新方法。
— I'm sure things would be get out of hand. 我确信时局将会失控。