日期:2010-02-04 09:56


Take one's chance=make a risky decision 碰运气,赌一把

例句 The store closes in half an hour.Let's take our chances and see if we can make it in time. 商店半小时之后就关门了。我们碰碰运气,看能不能及时赶到。

I don't know if we are allowed to ride skateboard here.But let's take our chances and see if we get caught. 我不知道这个地方是否允许玩滑板。不过我们试试看,看能不能被逮到。

See to it=take care of successfully 关照,负责

例句 You'd better see to it that the report gets done on time. Otherwise , the boss is gonna be angry. 你最好确保让报告按时完成,不然老板要发火的。

Don't worry about Grandma.I'll see to it that she takes her medicine eveyday. 别担心奶奶的事。我会关照好她每天按时服药。

Go up against sth./sb.=meet in a battle or competition,especially your competitor is much more powerful than you. 遭遇

例句 I can't believe I have to go up against Agassi.He's won the tournament 3 years in a row. 真不敢相信我怎么会遭遇到阿加西。他在这个赛事中一连3年都是冠军。

It's very hard to make it as a pop star.You have to go up against a lot of competition. 作流行明星不容易,你要遭遇很多很多的竞争。

It doesn't get much prettier than that.=It couldn't be better.再好不过了最好的

例句 Look at the guy.He swings at the ball.It doesn't get much prettier than that. 你看那家伙,他挥棒击球的动作,真是棒啊!

This deal is perfectly laid out.Everyone is gonna get a good share of profits.It doesn't get much prettier than that. 这笔交易设计得不错,人人有份,再好不过了。

Be a little fuzzy about/on=neither remember nor understand the details 对……不是很清楚,很明白

例句 I saw the movie Run Lora Run a long time ago.I'm a little fuzzy about what happens in the end. 我很久以前看过“疾走罗拉”这部电影,但是结尾怎么回事有点记不清楚了。

I'm a little fuzzy about the instructions your dad gave me.你爸爸跟我说的我不太明白。

Go get them=give sth. your best try 尽一切努力去试试吧

例句 You've been training for this tourament all year.Go get them你为这个比赛训练了一年了。去吧,你肯定行的!

I know you're a little bit nervous about your job interview.But I think you do great.Go get them. 我知道你去面试有点紧张。但是你很棒的,你一定行,去试试吧。

Cute act 小伎俩

例句 I've heard all these excuses before.I'm not falling for your cute act this time.I know you were out last night untill 4am. 你的那些借口我都听够了,我这次不会再被你的小伎俩蒙骗了。我知道你昨晚在外面鬼混,早上4点才回来。

Listen,if you drop the cute act and ask me honestly,I'll tell you the truth. 听着,你要是不耍这些小花招,老老实实地问我的话,我会告诉你实情的。

Swap=trade or exchange sth. 交换,更换

例句 I didn't like the color of my jacket.So I went back to the store and swapped it for another one. 我不喜欢这件外套的颜色,于是我返回店里换了另外一件。

My brother and I accidently swapped school bags this morning.So I didn't have my homework for English class.Boy ,did I sure get into trouble. 今早我和我哥哥把书包给拿错了,结果到英语课上我没能交上作业。你说,是不是很麻烦。

Crawl your way out of one hole 摆脱困境

例句 What?Your girlfriend found out you lied to her.I'd like to see you crawl your way out of the hole. 什么?你的女朋友发现你骗了她。好吧,我倒要看看你怎么解决。

Bad luck today.First I sprained my ankle,now I break my leg.Talk about finally crawling your way out of one hole,just to find yourself in another. 今天太背了!我先是把脚踝扭伤,现在腿又骨折了。正所谓祸不单行啊。

Dig up the past=bring back attention to old issues or just bad memories. 旧事重提

例句 Every time I see Lily,I get very upset.She's always trying to dig up the past. 我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。

Let's not dig up the past.I'm sick to fighting about things that happened 10 years ago. 我们别再翻旧账了好么。都过去十年了,现在提起还有什么意思啊。

Got tagged=be caught 被逮住

例句 He got tagged last night for drinking beer in the park. 他昨晚在公园喝啤酒,被逮到了。

I hope the principle doesn't tag us for skipping classes. 希望我们逃课不会被校长抓到。

Tap into=get inside and uncover sth. or get sth. better 深入了解,进一步了解

例句 I'd really like to tap into the overseas market.I think there's a lot of business opportunities there. 我很想探寻海外市场。我觉得那有很多商业机会。

To understand the American slang you really have to tap into the whole culture. 想学习美国俚语的话,你真的需要进一步了解它的整体文化。

See the light=learn and accept the full truth and the situation 明白真相

例句 Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her.希望有一天她会看清事实,明白他并不适合她。

Before I got into the accident,I never wore a seat belt.Now that I've seen the light,I wear one all the time.在出事故之前,我从不系安全带。可既然我已经知道了它的重要性,我就总是戴着它。

When the chips are down 在你最无助,最脆弱的时候

例句 You are always there for me when the chips are down.I know I can always count on you. 每当我最无助的时候,你都在那里默默的支持我。我明白,我可以一直信赖你。

When the chips are down,you have to rely on your family for support. 当你最无助的时候,家是给你支持的地方。
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • tournamentn. 比赛,锦标赛,(中世纪的)骑士比武
  • principlen. 原则,原理,主义,信念
  • uncovervt. 揭开,揭露
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • crawlvi. 爬行,卑躬屈膝,自由式游泳 n. 爬行,匍匐而行
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛