日期:2010-01-05 10:46


a big mouth 多嘴者 多话的人 守不住秘密的人

if you have a big mouth, you talk too much, especially about things that should be secret

Helen's got such a big mouth - the news'll be all over the town by tonight.

I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the letter. Oh dear, me and my big mouth!

a big gun


an important or powerful person in a group or organization

She's a big gun in city politics.

a big girl's blouse (British & Australian humorous)


a man or a boy who behaves in a way which other men think is how a woman would behave, especially if they show they are frightened of something

Come on you big girl's blouse, drink up and I'll get you another pint.

a belly laugh:捧腹大笑

a loud laugh which cannot be controlled

It's not often you hear the kind of jokes that give you a real belly laugh.

baptism of fire


a first experience of something, usually something difficult or unpleasant.

My son's just had his first visit to the dentist. He stood up to this baptism of fire very well.

Mary's had her baptism of fire as a teacher. She was assigned to the worst class in the school.

banker's hours


short work hours: 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

When did you start keeping banker's hours?

There aren't many bankers who keep banker's hours these days.

bank on something


You can bank on him to hand you a reasonable bill for your services.


Don't bank on your friends to help you out of trouble.



to be so sure of something that one can trust it as one might trust a bank with one's money.

I will be there on time. You can bank on it.


This brake can't be banked on if we have to pull up suddenly.


bang someone up

to beat someone up; to assault someone; to damage someone.

The crooks banged him up a little bit.

The crash banged up the passengers in the car.

She banged herself up badly.

bang something up


to crash or wreck something; to damage something.

Don't bang my best skillet up!

Who banged up my best skillet?

bang/beat the drum

解释:极力宣传, 鼓吹
to speak eagerly about something that you support (often + for )

Once again she was banging the drum for pre-school nurseries.

The opposition parties are always beating the environmental drum.

bang on (或upon)[口语]

1. 正中目标;完全正确,完全符合要求;非常恰当;很好
例句: Your answers banged on.

2. 猛击;砰然重击
例句: He banged on the door until she let him in.

3. [英国口语]喋喋不休地谈到,把...老挂在嘴上,没完没了地重复某事,唠叨不停:
例句: He's banging on about his trip to America all morning.

4. 撞上,碰着;
例句: She banged her head on the low ceiling.

bang into

1. 撞上,撞着,碰撞
例句: He banged the bicycle into a street light and damaged it.

2. [口语]偶然遇见,巧遇(某人)
例句: I didn't expect to bang into her again.

3. 灌输;灌进
例句: The teacher tried to bang grammar into the heads of his students.

  • braken. 闸,刹车,制动器 v. 刹车 n. 矮树林,
  • ceilingn. 天花板,上限
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • controlledadj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;
  • dentistn. 牙科医生
  • assaultn. 攻击,突袭 vt. 袭击,突袭
  • reasonableadj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的
  • oppositionn. 反对,敌对,在野党
  • drumn. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物 vi. 击鼓,连续敲击,引起兴趣
  • skilletn. 煎锅