日期:2009-08-13 10:09


1.this is the tribune police.make yourself known.我们是警察,请表明身份
make yourself known=表明身份

2.cops found your girlfriend fish-belly white,gargling her own puke.警察发现你女朋友不省人 事,口吐 白沫
fish-belly=鱼腹;fish-belly white=鱼翻白肚,即生命岌岌可危
gargle=漱口 ; puke=呕吐物
gargling her own puke口吐白沫(若换成字面意思挺恶心*_*)

3.bring her down 将她打垮了
这里再说另一个常用的词组let sb down,即"使某人失望

4.the analyst got his hands on a phone conversation.分析员得到一通电话交谈
get a hand on sth=得到...

5.And judging by how hard they're going after sara tancredi,i'm pretty sure they think she has it.以他们追捕sara的力度看,我很确定她有(带子)
judge by=以...为判断 (因为这里的主语为I,所以用judge的动名词)
go after=追逐;追求

6.But i hope his death properly illustrates the magnitude of the situation that we're in right now. 但我希望他的死完全说明了我们的麻烦,已经很严重了。
properly=适当地,完全地; illustrate=举例说明,阐明; magnitude=大小

7.are you aware of the nature of your sins?你知道你犯的罪的性质么?
be aware of=知道,了解
sin=罪,其实sin和一般的罪不一样,它一般指人的原罪Original sin,如大家所熟悉的"七宗罪"(七宗
罪即:Gluttony 暴食 Greed 贪婪 Sloth 懒惰 Pride 自负 Lust 淫欲 Envy 嫉妒 Warth 愤怒)

8.What are those ends? 这些的目的是什么?

9.surrender your will to god.屈服于上帝
surrender=投降 ; wil=意愿

10.I don't like being out in the field,I only do so when there's been a screw up. 我不喜欢抛头露面,我只在事情办砸的时候才出来
screw up=事情办砸 eg.sorry,i screw it up 对不起,我把事情搞砸了

11.you have my word.我保证

12.Yeah,but i mean it. 是的但是我是认真的

13.Do you think i'm just withholding information because i like hanging out with you.你以为我隐瞒消息是因为喜欢和你待一起么?
hang out with sb=与某人待在一起

14.Don't try to float a babe-in-the-woods routine by me. 别想耍我把我当成不懂事的小孩

15.It's really going to piss me off.这可真会把我惹火
piss off=滚开

16.I already named my price. 我已经开价了

17.you'd better get down on your knees and pray to god that i don't find you.你最好跪下祈祷我不会找到你
get down on your knees=双膝跪下

18.kiss my ass,cobarde.求我吧,懦夫
kiss sb's ass求某人,讨好某人
相反,kick sb's ass的意思为"揍某人一顿"

  • withholdv. 扣留,保留,抑制
  • illustratev. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解
  • magnituden. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • gluttonyn. 暴饮暴食
  • screwn. 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,螺状物 v. 拧,拧紧
  • greedn. 贪心,贪婪
  • routinen. 例行公事,常规,无聊 adj. 常规的,例行的,乏
  • surrenderv. 投降,让与,屈服 n. 投降,屈服,放弃
  • sinn. 原罪 v. 犯罪,违反(教规)