日期:2009-07-20 10:10


今天我们来讲一个在身体很健康和精力充沛的时候说的常用语:in the pink

当一个人告诉你:He is in the pink,那你就知道他肯定感到身体很好。In the pink这个习惯用语的出处说法各有不同。有的人说,in the pink这个俗语可能是来自跑马场,因为在那里,人们把 in the pink用来形容那些看起来很健壮的马。但是,有的人有不同的看法;他们认为凡是身体健康的人,他们的皮肤都会呈现一种粉色的光泽,就像我们说有的人脸色很好,白里透红一样。这些人说in the pink这个说法就是从这儿来的。我们来举两个例子吧:

Our next door neighbor came back from the hospital yesterday after his heart attack. And I'm glad to say he certainly looks back in the pink again.


It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a man. I thought I was getting a cold yesterday so I went to bed a couple of hours early and I really feel in the pink now.

