DW: Hi there.
MB: Good morning Daniel!
DW: Dan, please...
MB: I’m Marcia Boardman – we spoke on the phone – and this is Philip Hart, our CEO.
PH: Hello!
DW: Nice to meet you both.
PH: So it says here on your CV that you’re interested in rock climbing...
DW: Yeah...love it!
PH: Great – so do I! When did you last go climbing?
DW: Oh, er, well, it was a while ago now...
PH: Anywhere interesting?
DW: Yeah. I walked up the hill behind my house. Took me about thirty minutes!
PH: Oh.
MB: Ok, erm, Daniel, can you tell us a little bit about your current position?
DW: Certainly – as it says in the CV, I’m part of the European Sales team at Networld. We’re the world’s leading supplier of IT hardware.
PH: Why do you want to move on?
DW: Well, they’re too small for me.
MB: Networld!? Networld are too small for you?
DW: Oh yeah. I’m looking for something much bigger.
PH: Well, we’re not a big company by any means, but we are looking to grow! What first attracted you to WebWare in particular?
DW: Well, I see WebWare as kind of like a stepping stone...
MB: Sorry?
DW: Yeah, start here gain the necessary experience, then move onto something bigger.
PH: Ok...well, I do admire your ambition!
DW: Thanks – I’ve got lots of it!
MB: Let’s move on to managing people. Can you give an example of a time when you had to deal with a particularly difficult managee?
DW: Sure – well I think that’s one of my strong points actually. A couple of years ago, I was working with a guy, he wasn’t pulling his weight, basically being lazy – so I told him to get out.
MB: Oh, you didn’t give him a performance review, or a warning, or perhaps try to help develop his motivation?
DW: No,no, no. None of that rubbish. If someone’s not working hard enough, then they’re out! That’s the way I work. I’m a hard man.
MB: I see.
PH: How would you handle a rapidly changing market?
DW: Basically not change anything at all! Just continue on as normal regardless!
MB: According to your CV you are fluent in Mandarin...
DW: Well, I wouldn’t say ‘fluent’ exactly...but, I like Chinese food a lot – so I can read the menu!
PH: So you can’t actually speak the language?
DW: Erm, no.
MB: Can you tell us about a time you had to close a particularly challenging deal.
DW: I haven’t had one. They’re all easy for me. I close deals all the time!
MB: Ok – well do you have any questions for us?
DW: No.
PH: Oh. Ok. Erm. Thanks.
MB: Let’s move on to the presentation...
Send a full CV with your job application.
stepping stone - a stage or step that helps achieve a goal 晋升之阶,垫脚石,敲门砖
ambition - a strong feeling of wanting to be successful in life and achieve great things 雄心,抱负,野心
managee - a person who is managed (the opposite of a manager)
motivation - a feeling of enthusiasm, interest, or commitment that makes somebody want to do something a deal – a business transaction 积极性,干劲
Daniel makes some classic mistakes in his interview. Here are a few mistakes to avoid:
What to wear
It can be difficult to choose the right job interview clothes. Most companies will give you information about their dress code, if you phone their reception. Even if they say they have a casual dress policy, it's still a good idea to dress in slightly smarter attire to show you've made the effort. If in doubt, dress slightly smarter than you usually would for work. Daniel, dressed in jeans and an open-neck shirt, is probably too casually dressed when compared with his interviewers.
Although it's tempting, out-right lying never pays. Daniel gave some inaccurate information in his job application and is found out in the interview. By all means gloss over unflattering or unimpressive details, but telling lies is a definite no-no.
Appearing too confident
If you appear too confident and relaxed in an interview format this may come across badly and you may be seen as being arrogant. Unlike Daniel, it’s better to be modest about your achievements.
Not researching the company
Researching the company shows you're serious about the job and if you can demonstrate this in the interview then this will be looked on favourably. Have a few questions ready for the end of the interview where you can show that you have thought about the job and the company.