日期:2010-01-27 10:10
(1) 能说得明确一点吗?
Could you put that in more specific terms?
(2) 我无法确定你的意思.
I'm not sure what you mean.
(3) 很抱歉.我没听懂你的话.
I'm sorry. I couldn't follow you.
(4) 你讲得太快了.我跟不上.
You're talking too fast. I can't keep up.
(5) 请你再多解释一下好吗?
Will you explain a little bit more?
(6) 你能说得简单一点吗?
Could you put that more simply?
(7) 恐怕我没听懂.能请你再说一遍吗?
I'm afraid I didn't understand that. Could you say that again, please?
(8) 对不起,我没听到,请你再说一遍好吗?
Excuse me, but I didn't hear that, would you mind repeating it, please?
(9) 抱歉,我没听懂,请您拼一下好吗?
Sorry, but I didn't catch that, would you mind spelling it, please?