日期:2009-05-22 10:16



(Chandler办公室里有一个really really cute的女职员Nina,但是她却给Chandler带来了麻烦……)

Nina: Hi.
Chandler: Hi, Nina. Come on in.
Nina: You wanted to see me?
Chandler: Uh, Yes. Yes. I’ve just been going over your data here, and little thing, you’ve been post-dating your Friday numbers.
Nina: Which is bad, because?
Chandler: Well, it throws my WENUS out of whack.
Nina: Your... excuse me?
Chandler: WENUS. (Coughs) Weekly Estimated Net...
Nina: Oh, Net Usage Statistics, right. Gotcha, gotcha. Won’t happen again. I wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt your... "wenus."


out of whack 紊乱,不正常,不对劲

Whack 最早出现在18世纪,用来表示“用力抽打”,可能是根据重击的声音仿造而来的词。

Whack在18世纪晚期成为小偷们的行话,用来表示“分赃”,后来转变为“协定或成交”。到19世纪晚期,whack 的含义进一步发展为“契约;期望”,这样,out of whack便可解释成“脱离契约;出乎意料”,也就是“偏轨;不正常”了。


This spreadsheet is out-of-whack. Those entries don't make sense and don't belong there.
