日期:2008-07-01 12:22


100. 我爷爷是奔75的人了。

[误] My grandpa is running for seventy-five.

[正] My grandpa is getting on for seventy-five.

:run for 有“竞赛,竞选”之意,如:run for Congress(竞选国会议员),run for the presidency(竞选总
统)等。而 get on for 才表示“接近”,它通常用进行时态,后面一般跟年龄或者时间,如:It's getting on for midnight(快到半夜了)等。

(1). push thirty[forty,etc.]已经快到三[四...]十岁了:
She would like you to think so, but she's pushing thirty.
You wouldn't think so to look at him, but he's pushing 40.
(2). get on for[towards]快到(某时间),快(多少岁):
It's getting on for nine o'clock.
He must be getting on for forty now.
Here you are getting on toward thirty.
(3). 年龄的一些说法:
1) I'm twenty.(常用)
2) I'm twenty years old.(常用)
3) I'm twenty-year-old.(不常用)
4) I'm twenty years of age.(书面)
5) I'm aged twenty (years).(书面)
6) My age is twenty (years).(不常用)
7) I come into the age of twenty.(不常用)
8) I'm in my teens.(不常用)
in one's early teens(不常用)
not yet out of one's teens(不常用)
