日期:2008-06-12 11:36


65. 奥斯本名义上是个医生,但他整天都呆在股票交易所里。

[误] Osborne is a doctor by name only, but he stays in the stock exchange all day long.

[正] Osborne is a doctor in name only, but he stays in the stock exchange all day long.

注:by name 和 in name 虽然形似,但涵义却有区别。by name 相当于by the name of,常放在专有名词之后,表示所说的人或事物的确实名称。例如:There was a great poet in China, Qu Yuan by name(中国有个伟大的诗人,名叫屈原)。而in name 是贬义词,表示“名义上的”或“徒有虚名”。

  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易