日期:2008-06-08 16:25


53. 一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌,上课时他是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重

[误] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on ice, and only after class would he feel relieved.

[正] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on eggs, and only after class would he feel relieved.

walk on eggs 或tread on eggs,要注意中英文喻体的不同。

  • treadn. 踏,踏步板,踏面,胎面花纹,鞋底 v. 踏,行走,
  • formidableadj. 强大的,可怕的,难对付的
  • experiencedadj. 有经验的
  • relievedadj. 放心的,放松的,免除的