(1) But don't let me hog them all up. Here, you have some. 你们可不能让我独享了。你们也吃点。
——Sid一人独享了犀牛的食物,反过来还说这些来刺激它们,这下子可激怒了犀牛。Hog本来是名词,意思是“猪,贪婪者,像猪般的人”,这里活用做动词,意思是“象猪一样吃,吃光”。另外还有一个有关hog的词组“go the whole hog”,意思是“全力以赴”,例如:When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog. 他开始对模型飞机感兴趣之后就把精力都投入里面去了。
(2) Come on, you're making a scene. 行了,你就别撒泼了。
——犀牛Carl和Frank就如何向Sid发起攻击意见不和,攻击尚未发动,它们先自己窝里斗起来了。Make a scene意思是“吵架,起争执”,这里要注意把它和 make the scene区分开来,后者是动词,表示“露面, 参与”,例如:1. Let's make the scene at the party tonight. 我们今晚去参加晚会吧。 2. I'm too tired to made the scene; let's go home. 我太累了不能出席了,我们回家吧。
(3) --Save it for a mammal that cares.--I'm a mammal that cares. —谁爱听就跟谁说吧。—恰好我就爱听。
——看到来者不善,Sid只好说一些乱七八糟的东西来拖延时间,一边想着逃生的办法。Save it单独使用时还表示“不必客套了,省省吧”。 如果要表达“客套话”,这里还有一个句子供大家参考:She made polite noises about my work. 她对我的工作情况说了些客套话。
(4) Whoa, we make a great team. What do you say we head south together? 噢,你和我,我俩配合默契不如结伴一起去南方吧。
——眼看Sid就要小命不保,Manny却歪打正着救了它。为了进一步套牢这个“保护伞”,Sid灵机一动,想出了和Manny一起行动的主意。What do you say是一个询问对方意见、提供建议的有用句型,类似的句型还有:How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?How did you do on your test? 你考试怎么样?What do you think of it? 你觉得怎么样?What do you feel? 你觉得怎么样? How well can you speak them? 这两种语言你讲得如何?
(5) Isn't this great? You and me, two bachelors knocking about in the wild. 还是这样好,你和我两个单身汉在荒野中闲逛。
——尽管Manny不同意,Sid还是死皮赖脸地缠着它不放,有一句没一句地找着话题。Knock about除了“到处游荡”的意思以外还有“粗暴地对待”的意思,例如:She gets knocked about by her husband.她常受丈夫虐待。The car's been knocked about a bit, but it still goes.汽车虽然给撞了几次, 但还能开。Knock about together则表示“同……厮混”的意思,如:Are Julie and Dave still knocking about together? 朱莉和戴夫两个还在一起厮混吗?