李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂挑战篇 第一节
—— 吓唬美国人!
第一篇 约会迟到找借口
【Kim’s Note】Everyone is late once in a while. Sometimes it truly can’t be helped or avoided. But some people are never on time! They use every excuse possible to explain why they are late. This section is useful to anyone who ever finds himself in the situation of having to explain why he is late.
1. Uh, I was stuck『卡住;被困住』 in traffic!
2. Well, there was an accident on the road, you see!”
3. The bus broke down on my way here! It was a nightmare!
4. There were so many people waiting for the bus, I couldn’t even get on it!
【Kim’s Note】The more dramatic your excuse is the better it sounds! If you don’t often make excuses you don’t need to worry about this. If you are a professional excuse maker, these hints will help you sound more believable.
5. I lost my car keys!
【Kim’s Note】This is a very popular excuse in America. It is so common that no one ever doubts it!
6. My car died!
7. Oh, I over slept.
8. Nobody woke me up!
9. I didn’t go to sleep until 3:00 last night!
10. My alarm didn’t go off『不响了』!
【Kim’s Note】Another common way of saying this is “I slept in.” I have seen many native speakers use this expression and watched many English learners become confused. It simply means, “I didn’t get up at the time I needed to.”
11. My cat died! / My dog died!
【Kim’s Note】Americans are really attached to their pets. This excuse may sound silly to people from other cultures, but it is completely acceptable in America.
12. My mother called!
(我老妈打电话给我!—— 耽误了一点时间。)
13. My son got really sick. I had to take him to the hospital.
* This drawer sticks badly.
* The key stuck in the lock.
( 钥匙在锁里卡住了。)
* The bus got stuck in the mud.
【Kim’s Note】This verb is very common in describing a situation where you could not escape from another person. People in America are always talking about how they got stuck in a meeting with their boss, or how they got stuck talking to someone at the supermarket. It will improve your speaking skills and listening skills to know these expressions.
第二篇 拒绝听借口
1. What’s your excuse this time?
2. What is it this time?
3. All right, let’s hear it.
4. What’s your story this time?
5.All right, It’d better be good.
6. So, do you have an excuse this time?
7. So what’s today’s excuse?
8. All right, don’t tell me your dog or cat died!
9. Don’t tell me. Let me guess. You overslept, right?
10. Do you have any idea what time it is?
(你知道现在几点钟了吗?—— 开什么玩笑,敢给我迟到!)
11. Man, I don’t wanna(= want to)hear it!
12. I’m sick of your excuses. Can’t you just be on time for once?