★★★★★ 五星级•大学英语专业本科级•外交家级
【Kim’s Note】World leaders make history with their words. Why memorize boring lists of vocabulary when you can recite powerful words in the context of history? Practice reciting Jiang Zemin’s words until you sound like a president yourself!
President Jiang Zemin is the best role model to Chinese people for learning English!
President Jiang Zemin calls for strengthened positive role of U. N.
[1] Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday called for the strengthening of the United Nations’ positive『积极的;确定的;实在的』role, and the defense of the world body’s authority, in the new century. In a speech delivered『发表;讲;宣布』at the U. N. Millennium Summit『千年首脑会议』, Jiang said that the organization’s “positive role must be strengthened and not weakened and its authority defended and not jeopardized『使处于危险境地;危及;损害』.”
[2] “We must firmly defend the purposes and principles of the U. N. Charter, continue to give play to 『发挥』the positive role of the U. N. and its Security Council in handling international affairs and safeguarding world peace, and ensure all the member States have their right to participate in『参加;参与』 world affairs on an equal footing『立足处;立足点』, ” he stressed.
[1] 星期五,在联合国千年首脑会议上,中国国家主席江泽民发表演讲,要求加强联合国在新世纪的积极作用,捍卫这个世界性组织的权威。他说:“联合国的积极作用必须加强,不能削弱,其职权也必须捍卫,不可危及。”
[2] 他还强调说:“我们必须坚决捍卫联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,在处理国际事务中,继续发挥联合国以及安理会的积极作用,保卫世界和平,确保所有的成员国有权在平等的基础上参与国际事务。”
* I try to have a positive attitude about life
* It was a positive delight to hear her sing so beautifully.
* He delivered his speech effectively.
* The Supreme Court usually delivers its opinions on Mondays.
* China is preparing its businesses for the new millennium.
* The beginning of the millennium is a time of great hope.
give play to
* Newspapers gave heavy play to the success of Beijing in winning the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
participate in
* She actively participates in class discussions.
* How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?
* Is this business on a firm footing?
* The new law puts women on an equal footing with men.