—— 优雅圆润的音色,字正腔圆的英文!
★★★★★ 五星级•大学英语专业本科级•外交家级
【Kim’s Note】 The news is an excellent source of learning material. The pronunciation of news broadcasters is the most standard pronunciation and the material in the story is always something interesting to talk about with others. The vocabulary and phrases in news stories are often challenging, but easy to remember because they are in the context of useful sentences. Follow along with this news report until you sound like a professional!
[1] Five people suffered minor injuries『伤害;损害』when an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning. It caused some panic『恐慌;惊慌』but little serious damage. James Pomfret reports:
[1] 今天早上台湾发生6.2级地震,有五人受轻伤。地震引起了市民的惊慌,但是几乎没有严重损失。占姆士•庞夫瑞特报道:
[2] “The earthquake struck at 10.35 this morning [girls screams], rocking Taipei for 20 seconds, though much of the city was left unscathed『未受伤的;未受损失的』. Only a few buildings were damaged. This hospital's outer wall was unable to withstand『抵挡;反抗;经得起』the shock, crashing『碰撞;倒下;坠落』onto the pavement, though no one was injured.”
[3] “There were power cuts in some areas and public transport was disrupted『使分裂;使瓦解』, including the Mass Rapid Transit system, which was closed temporarily『暂时地;临时地』for safety checks.”
[4] “According to the central weather bureau, the quake measured 6.2 on the open-ended『无限制的』Richter scale, with its epicenter『震中』 at sea off Taiwan's north-east coast. Just last night, a quake measuring 6.3 originated『发源;来自;产生』from a similar area, but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related. Nine minor aftershocks『余震』have been recorded.”
[4]“根据中央气象局报告,此次地震达到无限量震级6.2 级,震中心位于台湾东北海岸外海域。昨晚,几乎同一海域发生了6.3级地震,但据推测两场地震并无关联。记录显示有九次微小余震。”
[5] “Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most. The stock market fell more than 1.7 per cent, on worries『担心』that aftershocks could affect the island's industries. Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale. 50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake. James Pomfret, TVB News.”
* He escaped from the train wreck without injury.
* Most people protect themselves from injury to their self-esteem.
* There was a panic when the fire started.
* He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.
* Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.
* The motorcycle crashed into the fence.
* An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.
* His company crashed last year.
* An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.
on worries ★★★★★ 五星级新闻短语
* People were buying lots of extra groceries on worries that a typhoon might hit the island.
* Extra protection was ordered for the president on worries of an assassination attempt.
【Kim’s Note】This is a five star news expression. It is very common in news reports about disasters or possible dangers.