第五部分 询问式口语要素
159.You all right?
A: Ouch! I hit my head.
B: You all right?
A: I don’t feel well. I want to go home.
B: You all right?
A: I’m going to stay up all night.
B: You all right?
①You all right?(你还好吧?)
②You okay?(你好吗?)
③Are you okay?(你好吗?)
④Yeah, I’m fine.(是的,我挺好。)
160.(Are you) feeling okay?
A: Are you feeling okay?
B: Oh, so-so.
A: Are you feeling okay?
B: I’m a little dizzy. It will pass.
A: I heard you were in the hospital recently, are you feeling OK?
B: I was having some trouble with my back, but I’m much better now.
161. Are you following me?
[ ]
A: You need to work hard to get ahead in this company. Are you following me?
B: Yes, Sir.
A: Make sure you pick me up at seven o’clock sharp. Are you following me?
B: Don’t worry. I’m never late.
A: I think that learning another language can change us as individuals – can change our world view, and even our personalities. Are you following me?
B: Not exactly, Professor Lee. I’m not sure that I buy that idea.
162. Really?
A: I just got a raise!
B: Really? That’s great!
A: Did you know Kim quit school?
B: Really? How come?
A: I’ll never be late again. I promise.
B: Really? I’ve heard that promise before!
②Are you sure?(你能肯定吗?)
163. Are you sure?
[ ]
A: I saw Stone dancing in the street.
B: Are you sure?
A: I already paid for that.
B: Are you sure?
A: I locked the door when I left last night.
B: Are you sure?
①Are you certain?(你肯定吗?)
②Are you positive?(你确定吗?)
③Are you confident?(你确认吗?)
164. Are you kidding?
[ ]
A: I’m going to swim in the pool.
B: Are you kidding? It’s freezing.
A: Does Mr. Lee play golf?
B: Are you kidding? He’s a pro.
A: Do you like Chinese food?
B: Are you kidding? I love it!
①You’re kidding!(你开玩笑吧?)
②You’re kidding me!(你在开我玩笑!)
③You’re kidding, right?(你在开玩笑,对不对?)
④No kidding!(我是认真的!/真的!你不是开玩笑吧!)
165.Are you serious?
[ ]
A: I decided to move to Canada.
B: Are you serious?
A: I don’t want to take over my father’s business.
B: Are you serious?
A: I’m thinking of adopting a child.
B: Are you serious?
②Do you mean it?(你是认真的吗?)
166.Excuse me?
[ ]
A: Don’t jump to conclusions.
B: Excuse me?
A: Cat got your tongue? (= Why don’t you speak up / say something?)
B: Excuse me?
A: Do you know how stupid you are?
B: Excuse me?
③Pardon me?(对不起。)
④I beg your pardon?(对不起,再说一遍好吗?)
167. What did you say?
[ ]
A: Do you like Spicy food?
B: What did you say?
A: What does WTO stand for?
B: What did you say?
A: What did you say?
B: I said it’s all your fault,you jerk!
①Can you say it again?(你能再说一遍吗?)
②Say it again?(再说一遍好吗?)
③Excuse me?(对不起,没听清楚。)
168. What do you mean?
[ ]
Kim’s Note: Women always use this sentence to men! Men usually answer with: “Exactly what I said!”
A: It’s the kiss of death.
B: What do you mean?
Kiss of death=something that destroys
His endorsement will be the kiss of death.
A: It was the last straw.
B: What do you mean?
A: I’m going to sell the house.
B: What do you mean? You didn’t even ask me!
①What does that mean?(那是什么意思?)
②What’s that?(你什么意思?)
③What’s that supposed to mean?(那是什么意思?)
169.You mean…
[ ]
A: I’m having second thoughts.
B: You mean you’re going to change your mind?
A: I’ll take a rain check.
B: You mean you’re not coming with us?
A: That’s the name of the game.
B: You mean you don’t even care?
I can’t help it. That’s the name of the game.
170.What’s that?
[ ]
A: My aunt is a doctor.
B: What’s that?
A: It runs in the family.
B: What’s that? A bad temper?
A: You can pay by credit card.
B: What’s that?
①What is it?(什么?)
②What do you mean?(你是什么意思?)
③What does that mean?(什么意思?)
171.What are you talking about?
[ ]
A: We have over one hundred new employees.
B: What are you talking about?(=It’s not true.)
A: I had a girlfriend in America.
B: What are you talking about? (=It’s not true.)
A: If I don’t go, I’m going to be in trouble.
B: What are you talking about? (=It’s not true.)
What are you saying? (你在说什么?)
172.Are you talking about …?
[ ]
A: I’ve never seen such a smart kid.
B: Are you talking about Mike?
(你是在说Mike吗? )
A: I usually buy it every month.
B: Are you talking about CAE Magazine?
A: We should tell her.
B: Are you talking about me?
①Is it about…?(是关于……?)
②You mean…?(你是说……?)
173. Do you understand me?
[ ]
A: Do you understand me?
B: Yeah, sure.
A: Do you understand me?
B: Uh, not really. Say it again?
A: Do you understand me?
B: I think so.
①Do you understand what I mean?(你懂我的意思吗?)
②Do you understand what I’m trying to say?(你懂我的意思吗?)
174. Am I making sense?
[ ]
A: Am I making sense?
B: Mostly. Let me make sure.
A: Am I making sense?
B: No. Could you be more specific?
A: Am I making sense?
B: I think I know what you are trying to say. But I disagree.
①Am I making sense to you?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
②Am I making myself understood?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
③Am I making myself clear to you?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
175. You know what I mean?
[ ]
A: It’s like a dream come true. You know what I mean?
B: Absolutely.
A: It’s never too late to learn. You know what I mean?
B: Yeah. I agree one hundred percent.
A: There’s a first time for everything. You know what I mean?
B: Yes. Thanks.
①Do you know what I mean?(你明白我的意思吗?)
②You know what I’m saying?(你知道我在说什么吗?)
176. Am I right?
[ ]
A: So, you were used. Am I right?
B: Exactly. I’m so hurt I could cry.
A: That’s why you decided to stay. Am I right?
B: You’re right. I hope I made the right decision.
A: It’s a waste of time. Am I right?
B: Okay. I see what you’re trying to say.
Kim’s Note: Americans love all these sentences that seek agreement. Don’t let them become a habit though. Native speakers who constantly use these sentences are annoying and you will be too!
177. Anything else?
[ ]
A: Pass me the salt, will you?
B: Here you are. Anything else?
A: Could you buy me a lipstick while you’re shopping tonight?
B: Sure. Anything else?
A: Anything else?
B: No, that’s everything.
178. Could I have some time?
[ ]
A: So, what do you think?
B: Could I have some time?
A: We’re waiting for your answer. When are you going to tell him?
B: Could I have some time?
Can / Could you give me some time?(你能给我一些时间吗?)
179. How can I say this?
[ ]
A: Why don’t you have a car?
B: How can I say this? I just can’t afford one.
A: Don’t you want to get married?
B: How can I say this?
A: What do you like about her? She’s so mean.
B: How can I say this? There’s just something about her that’s sexy.
①How can I say this in English?(这个用英文该怎么说?)
②I don’t know how I can say this.(我不知该怎么说。)
③I don’t know how I can say this in English.(我不知道这个用英文怎么说。)
180. Can I ask you a question?
[ ]
A: Can I ask you a question?
B: Sure. Go ahead.
A: Can I ask you a question?
B: All right. What is it?
A: Can I ask you a question?
B: Hold on. I’ll be right back.
①May I ask you a question?(我可以问你个问题吗?)
②I have a question.(我有个问题要问。)
③Can I ask you a personal question?(我能问你个私人问题吗?)
181. Can I talk to you?
[ ]
A: Can I talk to you?
B: Sure. What is it?
A: Can I talk to you?
B: Of course. What about?
A: Can I talk to you?
B: Uh, I’m kind of busy right now. What about later tonight?
①Can I talk to you for a minute?(我可以跟你谈一下吗?)
②Can I talk to you for a second?(我可以跟你谈一下吗?)
③You got a minute?(你有时间吗?)
④You got a second?(你有空吗?)
182.Don’t you think so?
[ ]
A: This is very important. Don’t you think so?
B: Absolutely
A: He was so rude. Don’t you think so?
B: Yeah. I think so too.
A: She’s lying. Don't you think so?
B: No, I don’t think so.
183.Is that okay?
[ ]
A: We’ll meet at seven. Is that okay?
B: No problem.
A: I want to bring a friend of mine. Is that okay?
B: Sure. Why not!
A: We’ll meet here. Will that be okay?
B: Yeah, I suppose.
184.What do you think?
[ ]
A: Isn’t this your brand-new digital camera?
B: Yes. What do you think?
A: Who do you think is the best?
B: Jane. What do you think?
A: Maybe we’d better not tell her. What do you think?
B: Hmm. I don’t know. That might not be a good idea.
185.How do you like…?
[ ]
A: How do you like living in China?
B: It’s very exciting.
A: How do you like Chinese food?
B: Oh, I love it!
A: How do you like our English teacher?
B: I don’t know. She seems a little difficult. I can’t always understand what she’s saying.
186.What’s … like? ……
[ ]
A: What’s your wife like?
B: She’s very active and social.
A: What’s your office like?
B: It’s nice and clean, but noisy.
A: What’s the weather like in your country?
B: We have a rainy season and a dry season.
187.What for?
[ ]
A: Can I use your PC?
B: What for?
A: Come down to the kitchen.
B: What for?
A: You’d better save this money.
B: What for?
①For what?(干什么?)
②For what purpose?(作什么用呢?)
188.How come?
[ ]
A: I’m not taking this job.
B: How come?
A: Cindy is not coming to work today.
B: How come?
A: I don’t like seeing her any more.
B: How come?
②Why is that?(这是为什么?)
③For what reason?(什么原因?)
189.Why not?
A: I didn’t go to the hospital today.
B: Why not?
A: We didn’t talk about that issue.
B: Why not?
A: I haven’t finished my work yet.
B: Why not?
190.Can I make a suggestion?
A: Can I make a suggestion?
B: Sure. Go ahead.
A: Can I make a suggestion?
B: All right.
A: Can I make a suggestion?
B: What is it?