final say
The State Council has the final say on the project and we will make arrangements according to its decision.
final say就是指“最终决定权”,也就是我们口语里说的“拍板,说了算”。有时也说成是last say。比如:You have the final say(你说了算)。Say在这里表示“话语权,决定权”,比如:have not much say in sth(对某事没有多大发言权)。
关于“说”有很多种说法,比如say by way of jest(诙谐地说),say in one's slow drawl(拖长腔调地说),needless to say(不必说),cannot say for certain(说不准),strange to say(说来奇怪),It’s hard to say(很难说)。
除此之外,say还可以用来表示“假定、报道”等意思。如:The radio says no rain today.(电台预报今天没雨);Say your plan fails; then what do we do ?(假定你的计划失败了, 那我们怎么办呢)?我们讨论的时候,大家要say one's say(畅所欲言),不要say to oneself(自言自语)。说归说,可不要小瞧了困难,很多事情都是easier said than done(说起来容易做起来难)。一旦遇到挫折,我们可要never say die(永不气馁)。