因为有了高科技,我们的工作方式正在发生变化。不少人在家做telecommuter(远程上班族),有的公司实行hot desking(办公桌轮用制),都是怎么高效怎么来。随之而来的,不少公司的管理风格也开始变化。老总们不再待在办公室等报告,而开始“走动管理”。
MBWA( Management by wandering/walking around) is an informal managing style where top managers actually keep in touch with employees by wandering the halls, asking workers what they’re working on and getting a clue of what’s really going on in the company.
The emphasis is on the word wandering (walking) as an impromptu movement within a workplace, rather than a plan where employees expect a visit from managers at more systematic, pre-approved or scheduled times. The expected benefit is that a manager, by random sampling of events or employee discussions, is more likely to facilitate the productivity and total quality management of the organization, as compared to remaining in a specific office area and waiting for employees, or the delivery of status reports, to arrive there, as events warrant in the workplace.