Mr. Li Yizhong, Former Minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Mr. Cao Guangjing, Vice Governer of Hubei province,Mr. ZHANG Guobao, Chief Director of the Expert Panel of National Energy Administration,Mr. Chen Zhangliang, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology,Distinguished participant, ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning!
Please first allow me on behalf of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to welcome all of you and to thank you for attending today’s forum under the theme of Entering the Era of Planting Energy – Sustainable Development under the “New Normal”. We are delighted to see so many participants and such a strong interest in the issue of sustainable development.
Let me then highlight a few facts and figures to set the national and global context of our Forum today.
“Combustible renewable energy (CRE) or traditional biomass energy contributes around 10% of the world’s Total Primary Energy Supply and constitutes 80% of the total renewable energy. It is consumed mainly in developing countries.”
Biomass is nowadays widely regarded as a renewable energy resource that can significantly contribute to the global primary energy supply. The reason why biomass is of such interest is its renewability, potential for decentralized production and more importantly its carbon neutrality, which has a positive impact in terms of climate change mitigation.”
Considered as a CO2 neutral fuel, producing zero net CO2 emission, biomass can be transformed into electricity, heat and power. Interestingly, it is the only kind of renewable energies that can be used in gaseous, liquid or solid forms.
Current global concerns about climate change, as well as energy security, have opened up new opportunities for the development, use and dissemination of new biomass energy technologies. From not only an economic but also a development point of view, biomass energy has the potential to play a very significant role. It can play a vital role in reducing GHG emissions, help countries to reduce the reliance on imported fossil fuels, which will create diversification of energy mix, and contribute significantly to meeting global energy demand.
Out of all the renewable energies, biomass energy is the one that can make the most direct positive impact on rural development since globally, half of the population lives in rural areas, where feedstock for biomass energy is produced and a large part of the population relies heavily on this energy source for household uses, cooking and space heating.
Let me also say a few word about China. In the last three decades China has undergone a remarkable transformation. It has achieved most of the MDGs before 2015. Chinese people are now wealthier, better educated and healthier than ever before and the Human Development Index of China, which is how UNDP measures progress in Human Development has dramatically improved during the last 30 years placing the country in the high human development category.
Yet out of this unprecedented economic and social progress, significant new challenges have emerged, not least the challenge of balancing further economic development with environmental sustainability, and with the need to respond to the threat of climate change. It is worthwhile to note that the recently launched National No. 1 Document 2015 highlights the conversion of farm residues into energy to improve the agro-environment in China. Indeed, biomass energy relates most closely to the “三农” issues of agriculture, rural villages, and farmers. This makes the theme of today’s forum extremely timely.
In partnership with China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE), UNDP has been engaged actively in biomass energy related projects since the 1990s, including project to promote the commercialization of renewable energy technologies, for which China has now already become a world leader. Other projects on biomass energy include piloting biomass gasification for gas and power generation using corn stalks in Jilin Province; the promotion of planting Jatropha (麻风树,或小桐子) in Hainan and Sichuan Provinces under Green Development Programme and the best practices developed in Jatropha plantation has been shared with countries in Africa, such as Ethiopia and Mali; scaling up plantation of Shiny Leave Yellow Horn (文冠果) for biodiesel production in Xinjiang, and developing emission standards for application of wood pellets in industrial boilers/furnaces. Our most recent biomass energy project is China’s Sustainable Sourcing Model for Biomass Energy Development in Guangxi, through which sustainable models for sourcing of biomass feedstock will be piloted in Guangxi in partnership with CICETE and Kaidi Electric Power.
The results of our projects have convinced us of the potential of combustible renewable energy and we hope to continue to expand our projects portfolio. As UNDP – an international organization, we believe it is an important area to engage in, particularly in China. With its size, its economic development, its investments in new technologies and its emission level, China’s progress in achieving technological breakthroughs in biomass energy will benefit the country’s transition towards sustainable development will benefit national and will also make a global contribution to the sustainable future of the world.
Thank you.