小编导读:《离骚》是战国时期著名诗人屈原的代表作之一,是中国古代汉族诗歌史上一首最长的政治抒情诗。诗人从自叙身世、品德、理想写起,抒发了自己遭谗言被害的苦闷与矛盾心情,揭露了楚王昏庸、群小猖獗与朝政日非的政治现实,表现了诗人坚持“美政” 理想、不附和邪恶势力的自爱精神及对楚王朝至死不渝的忠诚。
屈原 《楚辞·离骚》
Li Sao
Qu Yuan
My handmaid fair, with countenance demure,
Entreated me allegiance to abjure:
"A hero perished in the plain ill-starred,
Where pigmies stayed their plumage to discard.
Why lovest thou thy grace and purity,
Alone dost hold thy splendid virtue high?
Lentils and weeds the prince's chamber fill:
Why holdest thou aloof with stubborn will?
Thou canst not one by one the crowd persuade,
And who the purpose of our heart hath weighed?
Faction and strife the world hath ever loved;
Heeding me not, why standest thou removed?"