刘伶 《酒德颂》
In Praise of the Quality of Drinking
Liu Ling
There is a gentleman of high virtue and theright way
Who takes the heaven and earth as of onemorning
And ten millenniums a mere wink of a day,
The sun and the moon his portal andcasement
And the eight expanses his courtyard andhighway.
He comes and goes without a track of hisvehicle,
Puts up in no room or house wherein tostay,
Using the sky as his tent and the groundhis mat,
Doing whatever seeming to him pleasant andgay.
When he stops anywhere, he holds his vaseand mug;
When he moves on, he takes along his beakerand jug;
Wine is the thing always and uppermost inhis mind;
What else does he care for but to finger,of a flagon or a pot the lug?
There are grand nobles and princes trueblue
As well as courtiers high in rank anduntitled celebrities too,
Who, hearing of my sough of how he behaveshimself,
Talk of him and the things he deems fit todo.
Tossing the long sleeves and shaking thecollar folds of their gowns,
Throwing angry looks left and right andsetting their teeth,
They preach manners and stand for theregular order,
With arguments rife as bristling swords outof sheath.
Just then our good sire is holding his potto fill from a cistern,
Then imbibes at his stoup and parts thesettled less from wine,
Puffs up his whiskers while squatting uponhis hams,
Treads the waste dregs but pillows his barmloaves fine.
Free from all cumbrous thoughts and nippingcares,
Cheerily enjoying his breezy buoyancy undera vine,
Now he is overcome with sousing at a suddenstroke,
And then, recovering wide-awake, is inspirits divine;
He hears not the thunderclaps thoughlistening in quiet,
And looking steadily, sees not Tai Shan’stowering majesty in the sunshine;
He feels not the furies of burning heat andbiting cold,
Either the lust of desires, or the greedfor gain malign.
He overlooks the ten thousand pudderingthings of the world
As the Long and the Han Rivers bearing upthe tiny "floating disks,"
And the two mighty ones waiting on him bythe side,
As the black bee, carrying on its back the"ming-ling", that frisks.