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日期:2012-03-07 10:43





  【例157】 The fact that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop is partly because he is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help.

  【译文】 普通英国人的家已经成了自家的工场,一方面是因为他热衷于自己动手干,另一方面是因为出于某种原因,他觉得许多家务活必须自己干,而这些活在几年前他会雇专人来干的。

  【例158】 I wondered (1)how she would feel(2)if she learned that the Negro(3)before whom she had behaved in such an unladylike manner(4)was habitually a white man(3).

  【译文】 我心中思衬(1),在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士风度(4),倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3),不知她作何感想(2)。


  【例159】 American schools, both public and private, consist of 12 years of grades(1)-- basically 8 years of elementary school and 4 years of secondary or high school(2), although grades 7 and 8, or 7, 8 and 9 may be housed together in a middle school or junior high school(3).

  【译文】 美国的公立学校和私立学校都是由12个年级组成的(1),基本上是8年小学加4年中学(2),虽然7、8两个年级或7、8、9三个年级有可能都在初级中学里就读(3)。

  【例160】 It would take me an entire book to list(1)all of the people I have known in my life who spent the majority of their lives as single people(2), but who were the undisputed focus of a large group of friends(3)-- usually serving as problem-solvers, and widely respected and loved(4).

  【译文】 我毕生认识了许多人,他们一生中大部分时间都是单身(2),但在朋友群中却无可非议地是个核心人物(3)。他们经常帮人解决问题,广受尊敬,广受爱戴(4)。要把这些人的姓名一一列出的话,恐怕要写一本书(1)。

  【例161】 Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown(1), the new technological unemployment(2)may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th century(3).

  【译文】 新技术出现带来的失业问题(2),尽管起初被全球性经济衰退所引起的失业现象所掩盖(1),但有可能成为20世纪末社会经济的重大难题(3)。

  【例162】 He had flown in just the day before from Georgia,(1)where he had spent his vacation(2)basking in the sun(3)after the completion of the construction job(4)he had been engaged in in the South(5).

  【译文】 他本来在南方从事一项建筑工程(5),任务完成之后(4),他就上佐治亚去度假(2),享受着阳光(3),前天才坐飞机回来(1)。

  【例163】 When the "energy crisis" first came in 1973 - 1974(1), I was living with my family in a cabin on the edge of an area(2)where deer spend the winter(3) in northern Minnesota(2), observing the deer as their behavior changed from more activity in summer and fall to less as winter progressed(4), followed by an increase again in the spring as the snow melted(5).

  【译文】 1973-1974年间第一次出现能源危机的时候(1),我正和家人住在明尼苏达北部一处鹿群过冬的边缘地带。我们住在一个小屋里(2)(3),观察鹿的生活习性,观察它们如何随着冬季来临从夏秋的活动频繁变得少动的(4),而到春暖雪融时,它们的活动又是如何增加起来的(5)。


  【例164】 Now there is in America a curious combination(1)of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living(2)and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands(3).

  【译文】 现在美国有一个奇怪的现象:人们一方面为地位上升不再需要靠体力劳动谋生而感到自豪,另一方面又对能够亲自动手做事而由衷地感到高兴。

  【例165】 One of the most heartwarming aspects(1)of people who are born with a facial disfigurement(2), whether minor or major(3), is the number of them(1) who do not allow it to upset their lives(4), even reaching out to help others with the same problem(5).

  【译文】 有些人生来面部就有残缺(2),残缺有大有小(3),但令人欣慰的是这些人中很多人(1)并没有因此而生活得不愉快(4),相反,他们倒去主动帮助其他有同样问题的人(5)。

  【例166】 Students in these state schools, however, as well as those in private colleges, must pay tuition(1), but the state schools are much less expensive than private ones(2), particularly for students who are residents of the state(3).

  【译文】 但是,这些州立学校的学生以及私立学院的学生都须缴纳学费(1),不过州立学校的学费比私立学校的学费便宜得多(2),对常住本州的学生来说尤为便宜(3)。

  【例167】 From the corner of my eye, I saw Phil, pale, slack-jawed, eyes wide with amazement and adoration combined. We listened to Jenny finish the sonnet, which was in its way a kind of prayer.

  【译文】 我从眼角里瞅见菲尔,他脸色苍白,半张着嘴,眼睛瞪得大大的,又是惊讶又是崇敬。我们听着詹尼念完诗,那简直就是一篇极有特色的祈祷词。

  【例168】 They went in to dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness.

  【译文】 他们走进餐厅去吃饭。美酒加佳肴。喝着酒,吃着菜,气氛顿时起了变化。不仅没有恶言相向,言语间还十分投机。

  • manualadj. 手工的,体力的 n. 手册,指南,键盘
  • accomplishvt. 完成
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • elementaryadj. 基本的,初级的,元素的
  • prayern. 祈祷,祷告,祷文 v. 祷告,祷文
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • keenadj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的