【例82】 Before we can learn to appreciate those different from us, we must open our hearts to tolerance.
【译文】 我们要心胸开阔,善于忍让,才能学会正确评价与自己不同的人。
【例83】 Any person not leaving litter in this basket will be liable to a fine of £5.
【译文】 杂物须扔入篓内,凡乱扔者罚款5镑。
【例84】 At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman clicked his heels together.
【译文】 年青的法国士兵一见拿破仑就两脚喀嚓一声并拢,立正敬礼。
【例85】 If a heavy body is to be lifted to a certain height, work must be done, or energy expended, equal to the weight of the body multiplied by the height through which it is raised.
【译文】 如果把重物举到一定高度,一定要做功或者消耗能;而这个功或能就等于物体重量乘以物体举起的高度。
【例86】 Sony's $3.4 billion deal for Columbia Pictures marks Japan's biggest U.S. takeover ever -- and adds to fears that it is "buying America" and taking an invincible lead in trade and technology.
【译文】 索尼公司用34亿美元买下了哥抡比亚电影公司,这是迄今为止日本对美国一笔金额最大的收购,而且使人们更加担心日本正在收购美国,正在贸易和技术方面不可阻挡地发挥着主导作用。
【例87】 The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders Canada on the north, and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico.
【译文】 美国大陆东起大西洋西至太平洋,横跨4,500公里。北与加拿大接壤,南与墨西哥和墨西哥弯毗邻。
【例88】 Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting.
【译文】 选票不记名,由选民在隔离的投票站里圈出被选举人,别人无法知道哪一位公民投了谁的票。
【例89】 That the vitamin is sensitive to light was recognized only later.
【译文】 人们只是到后来才认识到维生素的光敏作用。
【例90】 A change in the operating frequency is easily accomplished by operating a switch installed on a monitoring alarm.
【译文】 操作监视告警器上的开关,工作频率就会自然产生变化。