through Science, Technology and Education
Project 211 is a project of 106 (as of 2007) Key universities and colleges in the 21st century initiated in 1995 by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.
The project aims at cultivating high-level elite for national economic and social development strategies. The project began from the idea that, in the mid 1990s, the 30 elite universites at the time were too low by international research standards.
Inclusion in the project means that universities have to meet scientific, technical and HR standards and to offer set advanced degree programs.
The figure of 21 and 1 within 211 are from the abbreviation of the 21st century and approximate 100 universities respectively.
1. 软着陆 soft landing
2. 海协会 全称为“海峡两岸关系协会”(Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, ARATS)
【例】China Television (Taiwan): Given that Taiwan advocates a gradual exchange process between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits, can you optimistically predict the restoration of negotiations this spring or summer?
3.通货膨胀 inflation; mounting inflation; currency inflation; expansion of the currency; the inflating of currency
【例】Face down inflation
4. 科教兴国 develop the country through science and education
【例】Implementing the Strategy of Developing the Country Through Science and Education and the Strategy of Sustainable Development
5. 门户网站 portals
【例】Yahoo's advantage: No software needed for access, making it the leading work-site portal.
6. 高速公路 freeway; speedway; thruway
【例】Expressway Adjacent to Suzhou-Kunshan Expressway, Coastal Expressway, Shanghai-Jiading Expressway, Shanghai-Nanjing Expresway,Suzhou-Jiaxing-Hangzhou Expressway and connect National Road 204 and 312, Shanghai-Taicang First Class Road etc.
7. 抗洪 fight [combat] a flood
【例】Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work.
【例】Achieve great victory in the fight against floods
8. 双休日 two-day weekend
通常指周六和周日放假休息的时间,包括大人工作休息以及小孩学习休息。 1994年3月5日,是我国新工时制实行的第一个休息日,人们感到了一个不小的“解放”。
9. 贺岁片 New Year blockbuster
10. 铁饭碗 a secure job; “iron rice bowl” -- a permanent income they would never lose whether they work hard or not; “iron bowl” -- a stable, lifelong job
【例】The so-called " iron rice bowl " prevailed in the past , but things are quite different today.
11. 科学技术是第一生产力 science and technology are primary productive force
【例】Since science and technology constitute a primary productive force, and since intellectuals, who during the "cultural revolution" were called the "ninth category", are part of the working class, we should raise them to first place.
12. 中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
【例】Socialist spiritual civilization is an important attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
13.春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening
14.扩招 Enrollment Expansion,expand enrollment
【例】EEOC is abbreviated from the Enrollment Expansion of Colleges.
扩招是指学校扩大招生规模。 本文所谓扩招,特指高等教育扩大招生规模。
15. 西部大开发 Western Development,Development of the West Regions
【例】Participating in and Supporting the Development of the Western Region