日期:2014-08-29 10:10



  The pace of hiring in recent months has been stronger despite a very weak first quarter, when the economy shrank at an annual rate of 2.9 percent. Although the weakness was initially attributed to weather, as well as more technical factors like inventory swings, the depth of the contraction caught some economists off guard, especially those who began the year with a more positive outlook for 2014.

The pace of hiring 就业市场增速
  inventory swings 库存波动
  the depth of the contraction 下滑的程度
  off guard 猝不及防

  The pace of hiring in recent months has been stronger despite a very weak first quarter, when the economy shrank at an annual rate of 2.9 percent.
  (这里的stronger是和weak对应的,所以weak first quarter是指就业疲软的第一季度)

  参考译文:先翻译when: 今年第一季度经济衰退的速度达到了年化2.9%,

  Although the weakness was initially attributed to weather, as well as more technical factors like inventory swings, the depth of the contraction caught some economists off guard, especially those who began the year with a more positive outlook for 2014.


  • contractionn. 收缩,缩写式,痉挛
  • technicaladj. 技术的,工艺的
  • weaknessn. 软弱
  • initiallyadv. 最初,开头
  • inventoryn. 详细目录,存货(清单) vt. 编制(详细目录)