日期:2014-07-22 10:10



  Even a reader skeptical of Jameson's claim that a collective political unconscious leaves evidence of itself in individual texts, which together form an uninterrupted historical-political master narrative (the "single great collective story" of Marxist struggle, in Jameson's take on things ), might be convinced by his broader argument about the persistence of allegory and allegorical interpretation.

  FredricJameson 詹明信(西方马克思主义研究的一个美国学者)
  Claim 观点
  Argument 观点
  Marxist 马克思主义的
  Allegory 寓言
  a collective political unconscious 集体政治无意识
  individual texts 个人文本
  an uninterrupted historical-politicalmaster narrative 一个没有间断的政治历史的宏大叙事
  take 看法

  主干识别:a reader mightbe convinced by his broader argument.

定语:skepticalof Jameson's claim=the reader is skeptical of Jameson's claim
  Claim的同位语从句: a collective politicalunconscious leaves evidence of itself in individual texts, which together forman uninterrupted historical-political master narrative (the "single greatcollective story" of Marxist struggle, in Jameson's take on things)
  Argument的定语: about the persistence of allegoryand allegorical interpretation.
  进一步微观分析:a collective political unconscious leaves evidence of itself in individual texts
  whichtogether form an uninterrupted historical-political master narrative
  which= 个人文本;可以从form判断出来,如果是“集体无意识”那就应该是forms;
  (the"single great collective story" of Marxist struggle, in Jameson'stake on things) 对于叙事的同位语解释
  about the persistence of allegory andallegorical interpretation.


  A reader skeptical of Jamison’s one idea might beconvinced by his broader argument.

  • persistencen. 坚持,毅力
  • interpretationn. 解释,阐释,翻译,(艺术的)演绎
  • staken. 桩,赌注,利害关系 v. 下注,用桩支撑
  • unconsciousadj. 失去知觉的
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • narrativen. 叙述,故事 adj. 叙事的,故事体的
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • convincedadj. 信服的
  • skepticaladj. 怀疑的
  • collectiveadj. 集体的,共同的 n. 集体