日期:2014-07-13 10:10




  A financial vehicle that saw the euro zone take most risk through equity,other governments a bit more through subordinated debt and private-sectorinvestors the least through senior debt is still a long shot.

  Afinancial vehicle 融资工具和融资方式
  Equity 权益
  subordinated debt 次级贷
  senior debt 优先款
  a long shot : 很少机会成功的尝试
  例句:Reaching our sales goal thisquarter is a long shot because of the economy.

  主干识别:Afinancial vehicle is still a long shot.

  其他成分: that sawthe euro zone take most risk through equity, other governments a bit morethrough subordinated debt and private-sector investors the least through seniordebt

  定语从句,that=financial vehicle 在翻译的时候一定单独成句。

  翻译点拨:financialvehicle 不可能发出saw 的动作,所以不能翻译为:融资方式看见。其实就是指:融资方式是什么样子的;
  the euro zone take most riskthrough equity, 后面是并列引起的省略补全后是:
  other governments take a bit more through subordinated debt and
  private-sector investors take the least through senior debt is stilla long shot.

  翻译出来是: 欧元区通过普通股票吸收最多的风险,其他政府通过次级贷吸收稍多的风险,而私有行业的投资者则通过优先债吸收最少的风险。


  • vehiclen. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介
  • equityn. 权益,产权,(无固定利息的)股票,衡平法 n. 公
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长