剑桥雅思14真题听力 第22期:Test3(section3-2)
日期:2019-11-07 15:23


Can I tell you about a few people in the band who I'm finding it quite difficult to cope with? I'm sure you'll have some ideas about what I can do.
Go ahead.
There's a flautist who says she loves playing in the band. We rehearse twice a week after school, but she's hardly ever there. Then she looks for me the next day and gives me a very plausible reason -- she says she had to help her mother, or she's been ill, but to be honest, I don't believe her.
Oh dear! Any more students with difficulties?
Plenty! There's a trumpeter who thinks she's the best musician in the band, though she certainly isn't. She's always saving what she thinks other people should do, which makes my job pretty difficult.
She sounds a bit of a nightmare!
You can say that again. One of the trombonists has got an impressive sense of rhythm, and could be an excellent musician -- except that he has breathing difficulties, and he doesn't really have enough breath for the trombone. He'd be much better off playing percussion, for instance, but he refuses to give up. So he ends up only playing half the notes.
I suppose you have to admire his determination.
Maybe. One of the percussionists isn't too bad, but he never seems to interact with other people, and he always rushes off as soon as the rehearsal ends. I don't know if there are family reasons, or what. But it isn't good in a band, where people really need to feel they're part of a group.
There are others too, but at least that gives you an idea of what I'm up against. Do you have any thoughts about what I can do, Lizzie?
