日期:2016-10-26 05:09


Reference rehearsal Refrigerator regulation


When Mom decided to reform her oldest son, Pete, she began with the refrigerator.

当母亲决定要改造 长子皮特的时候, 她是从冰箱开始的.

Pete was always getting food and refreshment here

皮特总是从冰箱里 拿食物和饮料,

And Mom knew that regardless of how much he would whine

母亲明白不管皮特 怎么哭闹,

She had to regulate his eating habits.

她都得调整他的 饮食习惯.

She set up a strict access regime,

她制订了严格的冰箱 使用制度,

Requiring Pete to register for the food he wanted to eat.

要求皮特对他想吃的 食物进行登记,

This registration would occur a week in advance and Mom refined his order!

而这个登记要提前一个 星期做,而且母亲还得 对他的订单进行精选!

Boy did Pete hate this new system.

好家伙,皮特讨厌 这种新体制.

He was refreshed at the thought that his Mom cared for him so much.

一想到母亲是多么地 爱他,他就感到 精神振作;

But his attitude quickly regressed when he was hungry.

可是到了饥饿难忍的 时候,他的态度很快 就会出现倒退.

He began to reflect on Running away and eating at the neighbors during the day.

他开始考虑白天逃出家门到邻居家 去吃东西.

Sneaking there one day to visit his friend and eat freely,

一天,他偷偷溜了出去 准备到朋友那里无拘无 束地好好吃一顿,

He was surprised to find that his mom


Had already spoken with his friend's room

母亲早已跟朋友的 母亲打了招呼,

Regarding this possibility.


The neighbor's refrigerator was under strict regulation as well.

邻居家的冰箱也在 接受严格的管制.

The refinements to his life began to work,

然而,他的生活中的 精细改进开始 发挥作用了,

However, and Pete noticed that he was losing weight.

皮特注意到他的 体重在减轻.

Everyone in the region saw this as well.

这个地区的每一个人 也都注意到了这一点.

Girls noticed that he was rehabilitated

姑娘们注意到他恢复 了往日的英俊潇洒,

And one even began to


Ask Pete to walk her home after her dance rehearsal on a regular basis.

要皮特定期在她排练完 舞蹈之后走路送她回家

Mom began to give Pete more freedom

母亲开始给皮特 更多的自由,

And even allowed him to go shopping by himself.


The first time, after Pete had purchased all of his old favorite snacks

第一次皮特买了所有 他爱吃的零食,

He returned to the store ten minutes later

但十分钟之后他 又回到商店,

Asking if the items were refundable.


They were and he returned everything.

货可以退,于是他将所 有的东西都退了回去.

Years later, when Pete was a happy, successful man married to a beautiful woman,

多年以后,皮特娶了 一位美丽的妻子,他 生活幸福、事业成功,

He was always sure to reference his mom's refrigerator regulation

他经常会提到母亲 的冰箱管制,

As the turning point in his life!

