日期:2016-10-18 16:19


prey - proclaim The privileged


Relaxing in his tent,


the principal was in the process of reviewing his primer


on using primitive techniques to capture a prey

运用原始技巧捕获猎物 的入门书

when his privacy was rudely interrupted.

有人无礼地扰乱了 他的清静。

A man was standing in the entrance of his tent with a gun in his hand.

帐篷口站着一名持枪 男人。

"Out!"The man said.


As the principal walked out into the pristine woods

校长一面走出来进到 原始森林,

he prioritized the needs of the moment.

一面将眼下需要做的事 确定了优先次序。

His first priority was to make sure the other members of his team were all right.

他的第一重点就是 确保组里其他人员 不会出事,

They were.


Then he probed the camp with his eyes for any tool that he could use.

然后他用眼睛探查了 一下营地,看看有没有 可以使用的工具。

He saw a piece of wood that he had sharpened the prior afternoon.

他看到了一根前一天 下午他削尖了的木头,

Picking it up he pretended to use it as a walking stick.

他将木头拾起来, 假装当拐杖用。

"Put that down!" The man said.


"But I can't walk without it.I injured my leg the other day. "

"可是没有它我 走不了路。几天前 我弄伤了腿。"

Assenting, the man looked at his prizes. "No women?" He asked.

那男人同意了,然后 看了看他的战利品。 "没有女人吗?"他问道

"Six men and no women?How's a man supposed to have any fun out here?"

"六个男人,没有女人? 在这么个地方男人 会有什么乐子?"

"Our primary focus is hunting." Replied the principal.

"我们的首要任务是 狩猎。"校长答道,

"Our procession chose to leave the women behind

"我们的队伍选择 不带女人,

so that our prime goal would be the animal.

这样我们的主要目标 就只是动物。

We want to proclaim our manhood in the hunt, not by womanizing!"

我们要靠狩猎来 宣告男子气概, 而不是靠玩女人!"

"But womanizing is the most important hunt!

"但玩女人才是 最重要的狩猎!

Oh I hate you privileged upper class people.

噢,我恨你们这些 有特权的上流社会。

You always think you know better than us normal folk.

你们总以为你们比 我们这些普通百姓 懂得多。

Well let me tell you,


ever since I've been on probation


it's people like you that I keep having problems with.

我总是和你这样的人 有麻烦。

All of your procedures. Do this. Don't do that."

瞧你们那一大堆程序! 要这样,不要那样。"

As he turned to the others,


the principal proceeded to lift the stick and throw it into his body.

校长开始举起木棍朝着 他扔去。

As the intruder fell to the ground, dying, he heard the principal say mockingly,

那个侵入者倒在地上 奄奄一息,,这时他 听见校长嘲笑地说,

"Well you shouldn't have messed with us!"

"瞧见了吧,你就不该 跟我们瞎搅和!"
