日期:2016-10-09 04:18


paradox - patent A company built on a paradox


It was an interesting paradox that


the founder of the most successful pasteurization company in America

美国最成功的采用巴氏 消毒法的牛奶公司 创始人

was allergic to milk and partial to horses!

竟然对牛奶过敏, 而且对马有偏见!

But how he had founded the company created numerous patents

他是如何创办这家公司 创造无数专利、

and sold the nation on his brand of milk

让全国对他的牛奶 品牌感兴趣

without ever drinking a drop was a mystery to quite a few.

对不少人来说 这是一个谜。

His partners made sure this secret was never and business continued to boom.

他的合伙人严守这个 秘密,于是公司生意 越做越火。

Their strategy to ensure this was paramount to the success of the company

他们严守秘密的战略对 公司的成功至关重要。

They just let the founder have fun,

诸位合伙人让创始人 尽管去享乐,

as if he were living in a parallel universe where there were no secrets to hide.

像他生活在一个平行的 世界里,在这个世界里 没有秘密需要隐瞒。

They were particularly willing to let the founder spend most of his time traveling,

他们尤其愿意让创始人 花大部分时间去旅行,

where he could participate in public relations activities,

这时他可以参加 公关活动,

spread passion for the company name a nd enjoy himself.

展示对公司品牌的极度 喜爱并且玩个痛快。

Several other partners even joked that

男外几位合伙人 甚至开玩笑说,

it was like keeping a cow out in the pasture while the rest were getting milked!

这好比让一头牛呆在 外面的牧场上,而其他 的牛却在挤奶!

When the founder became paralyzed in a paragliding accident,

创始人在一次翼伞飞行 事故中不幸瘫痪后,

things became a little bit more difficult.


The founder had always been a passionate participant of daring adventures,

这位创造人向来是各种 冒险活动的热心参与者

but this time his assistants had been too passive

这次弄得助手们 十分被动,

in preparing the safety devices and the founder had been seriously injured.

他们好不容易准备好了 安全装置,结果创始人 还是严重受伤。

His paralysis made front page!

他的瘫痪成了头版新 闻!

The partners were standing by when things went from bad to worse.

诸位合伙人守候在一旁 眼睁睁地看着事态 每况愈下。

A reporter insisted that the founder drink some milk while he was in the hospital.

在住院期间,一位记者 坚持要求创始人 喝一点儿牛奶。

The paradoxical mystery was exposed

那个似非而是的谜 就这样被揭开了,

when the founder drank it and then spit the milk everywhere in revulsion.

他只好喝下,结果将 牛奶吐得到处都是,

Cameras captured particles of food flying

相机拍下了这样的镜头 食物粒飞溅,

and white particulate matter all over the founder's face.

创始人脸上沾满了 白色粒状物。

It was a public relations nightmare! The company crashed!

这真是一场 公关恶梦!公司倒闭了!

To paraphrase this story:


If you take a bull by the horns, you sometimes get bucked!

执牛耳者有时也会被牛 撞倒。
