fleecy-forbid My kids ...
My boys love to throw things.
And it doesn't matter how they feel
这都不重要, 他们怎么 感觉,
or what kind of flux of emotion they are in.
或者他们 的情绪怎样波动,
It doesn't matter if they have the flu, a broken leg, or even a fever,
即使是患了流感, 折了 一条腿, 或者是发烧, 这都没关系,
they will gladly fling fluffy things across the room.
他们仍然会高高兴兴地 把松软的东西在屋子里 扔来扔去.
Most often they throw fleecy pillows that I can flip away;no problem.
他们最喜欢扔轻软的枕 头, 我也能把它们轻轻 弹开--没有问题.
And sometimes they throw flexible items that I can catch and throw back.
有时候他们扔一些有弹 性的物品, 我能把它们 抓住并且扔回去.
They really like that.
Other items are so light that they float across the room for a floppy landing at my feet.
其他东西则很轻, 它们会从房间的一头飘 到另一头, 软软地落在 我脚边.
But they can't throw things like rocks, toy cars,
但是他们不能扔石头、 玩具车、
arrows or even the flint stones
弓箭之类的东西, 就连 打火石也不能扔,
I gave them when I taught them how to make a fire.
那是我教他们生火时 给他们的.
I tried to forbid throwing things.
过去我曾试图禁止他们 扔东西.
One time they threw a pile of foam that got all over the house.
一次他们扔一堆泡沫材 料, 弄得满屋都是.
That made me angry
but it was still better than the time they were throwing flour.
可这比他们扔面粉时要 好多啦.
That was a mess! They spent an hour cleaning that up.
那叫一个乱哟!他们花 了一个小时才把面粉打 扫干净.
Fluids are an absolute no-no! I don't want to get wet!
液体是绝对不能扔的! 我可不想把身上弄湿 了!
And when they throw blankets I always make them fold them up when they're done
扔毯子时我总是让他们 扔完之后把毯子叠好.
They hate that!So they don't throw blankets too much any more.
他们最不愿叠毯子啦! 因此他们扔毯子就扔 得少了.
I have simply found that if I am flexible
我发现了一个规律:假 如我这里灵活一点儿,
and let them play just a little bit at an appropriate level,
then their moods don't fluctuate between extremes. And it's fun!
那么他们的心情就不会 在极端之间波动.这样 真有意思!
I love the flicker of play in their eyes,
我喜欢他们玩得两眼 放光,
their flimsy accusations that their brother did it,
喜欢他们干了坏事诬告 别人却又不能自圆其说
their constant giggling
and now they always flock to me to wrestle when we're done.
现在我们玩完之后, 他们总是聚集到我身边 来摔跤.
It's good to have kids.
And if we stay focused, play flourishes and everyone is happy.
如果我们一直集中注意 力, 玩就会活跃气氛, 结果皆大欢喜.