小作文: 饼图和柱图的组合图:
1. 静态饼图比较的是百分比的大小;动态饼图比较的是百分比的变化。
2. 静态柱形图比较的是百分比的高低;动态柱图比较的是百分比的变化。
As traffic and accommodation problems are increasing in the large cities,the government encourages businesses move to the rural area. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 政府鼓励企业移到乡村地区,是否认为这种做法的利大于弊?
1. 两种观点讨论
2. 利弊讨论
3. 是否同意一种观点
4. 分析问题和解决问题
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
1. 这有助于大都市的环境的改善,因为减少了空气和噪音的污染。
2. 城市里建立大型企业会占据宝贵的土地的资源,如果企业迁出城市中心,这会缓解住房短缺的压力。
3. 在偏远的乡村地区建立企业,有助于创造地方的就业机会,繁荣当地的经济。
1. 如果将城市中已有的企业迁移到偏远的地区,这可能会使城市中原企业的职员失业。
2. 一些可能污染环境的企业,例如造纸厂和化工厂,如果建设在郊区,会给当地造成一定的环境污染。
Currently, it is no rare to see that many businesses are encouraged to build their factories and conduct their production in those rural areas. People have been pondering the pros and cons of motivating enterprises to migrate to the rural areas without reaching any definite consensus. As I see it, the merits of this practice outbalance its possible demerits.
Granted, numerous benefits can be gained via inspiring the factories to run in the remote rural areas. First, the most obvious merit is that housing shortage could be greatly ameliorated More precisely, if there are less large-scaled enterprises to occupy limited land resources, then,increasing numbers of people will have chances to realize their dreams of owning their houses in big cities. Further, it is conceivable that over-expansion of highly contaminated factories in big cities will inevitably trigger environment-related problems and even traffic problems, hence, the heavy traffic and undesirable living environment can be effectively resolved if few factories are not allowed to exist in metropolis. Eventually, the migration of businesses will, to a large extent, inject new l vitality into the further development of those rural areas. In other words, more local job opportunities can be created and thus prosper the local economy.
解析:housing shortage could be greatly ameliorated 住房短缺可以得到极大改善
解析:over-expansion of highly contaminated factories in big cities will inevitably trigger environment-related problems and even traffic problems 高度污染的企业的扩张会带来一些环境问题和交通问题
解析:are not allowed to exist in metropolis. 不被允许在大都市存在
解析:inject new l vitality into the further development of those rural areas. 为乡村地区的发展注入新鲜活力
Nonetheless,we can never ignore the possible downsides triggered by constructing rural enterprises. First of all, this policy will take the bread out of many city workers’ mouth provided that their former businesses have to migrate to rural areas because most employees might be reluctant to work far away from home. Another demerit might be that some factories such as paper mills or chemical plants will pose a threat to the local environment even though it brings about economic incentive.
解析:take the bread out of one’s mouth v抢了某人的饭碗
解析:paper mills or chemical plants n造纸厂和化工厂
解析:pose a threat to v给……造成威胁
尾段:亮明观点 + (总结理由)
In closing,my stand is that building up factories in the rural areas is a double-edged weapon, which can used for equally good or evil. Even though it might cause some problems,it is still a preferable and feasible attempt in the long run.
解析:…… is a double-edged weapon, which can used for equally good or evil ……是一把双刃刀,有利有弊。
解析:It is still a preferable and feasible attempt in the long run. 从长远看,这依然是一个值得推荐的可行的尝试。