The use of mobile phone is as anti-social as smoking. Smoking is banned is certain places so the mobile phone should be banned like smoking. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 使用手机应该向吸烟一样被禁止,是否认同?
解析:ban v 禁止……
解析:anti-social adj反社会的
There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手机的使用带来了社会, 医疗和技术问题有哪些,是否认为手机弊大于利?
VIP 学员超群思路拓展:
1. 手机辐射有害健康。
2. 过度使用手机会使人们在现实生活中疏远和朋友们的关系,在社交方面感到力不从心。
3. 手机病毒传播会侵犯个人的隐私,因此,非法者会窃取密码,非法牟利,危害手机用户的利益。
1. 信息性:手机是大多数人交流信息和获得信息的重要的源泉之一;例如,我个人经常使用手机报来了解最新的时事政治。同时,手机给人们的交流带来了巨大的便利,例如,老人出门感受身体不适,可以打电话和家人联系。例如,女生回家错过了最后的末班车,可以带电话让父母们来接自己。
2. 娱乐性:对于现代人而言,手机是重要的娱乐方式之一。例如,人们出门旅行,经常使用手机抓住生活美丽瞬间,留下美好回忆。人们在等车或者旅行中用手机游戏,手机音乐来消磨时光,感受快乐。
3. 教育性:我们已经从互联网时代进入了移动互联网时代,手机扮演了教育者的角色,我个人喜欢使用手机接受网络教育,我利用手机的教育APP去学习雅思课程。
首段:背景介绍 + 有待反驳观点 +作家立场
The invention and popularity of the mobile phone has greatly changed the way of people’s communication. People have been debating,for many years, the advantages and disadvantages of using the cell phone without reaching any agreement. Some people argue that the mobile phone should be banned because of its negative influence. Personally speaking, we can never ignore its vital roles although it might bring about some problems.
解析:popular adj流行的;popularity n普及
解析:communicate v交流;communication n 交流
拓展:advantages and disadvantages = pros and cons n利弊
解析:the cell phone = the mobile phone n 手机
To be sure,I have to concede that those who support the idea of restricting the use of the cell phone have their reasons to some extent. First, people’s eyesight will be hurt if they look at the screen for a long time to focus on editing the messages or playing video games. Meanwhile, the radiation of the phone has a really adverse influence on the users’ health. Even worse, the crime of the cell phone is becoming more and more serious, many law-breakers usually send a message,which can easily carry a virus.Therefore, it might result in the exposure of the users’ personal information. Therefore, some law-breakers might make money illegally. What I believe, however, is that the problems can be reduced by punishing those cheaters and improving our self-protection awareness.
解析:radiation n辐射;radiate v辐射
解析:restrict v 限制;strict adj 严格的;
解析:look at = gaze v凝视……
解析:have a really adverse influence on …… 对于…… 有不良的影响
解析:virus n 病毒
拓展:personal information = privacy n 隐私
解析:expose to v 暴露;exposure n泄露;暴露
解析:legal adj adj合法的;illegally 非法地
解析:leg 法律(词根)
解析:legitimate v使合法
It is rather superficial to simply believe that the cell phone should be restricted. Seen from the positive aspects,many benefits could be gained by making use of the mobile phone. The most obvious merit is that it can bring huge convenience to people’s communication. For example, if a teenage girl misses the last bus, she can ring her parents to come and get her back. Another advantage coming from the mobile phone is that bus passengers could simply use their cell phones to kill time by reading the latest current events or playing phone games. Last, the cell phone could perfectly play the role of educator. For example, I like to take part in some on-line training courses or listen to some interesting lectures by my phone.
解析:It is rather superficial to simply believe that …… 简单认为……很肤浅
解析:could perfectly play the role of educator ……可以完扮演教育者角色
尾段:再次亮明观点+ 总结理由
In closing, my view is that to completely ban the use of the mobile is impractical. The mobile phone is double-edged weapon, which is can used for equally good or evil. What is of the great importance is to make use of its benefits and be watchful about its possible demerits.
拓展:use = make use of = take advantage of = harness = utilize = draw on v 利用……
解析:…… is double-edged weapon, which is can used for equally good or evil 是一把双刃刀,有利有弊。