小作文:流程图, 熏鱼制作的8个过程
大作文:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about the other culture. we can learn as much as from books, films and the Internet, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
四段:让步原题观点的合理性 + 加以反驳
尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Such is human nature to explore the unknown and deepen our insight into exotic cultures. In comparison with feasting our eyes on gorgeous landscape in person, many people can get to know foreign countries by reading magazines,appreciating movies,or browsing eye-catching pictures on line, so a heated debate springs up as to whether being well-travelled is still the best way to enrich our knowledge about unfamiliar places. Personally, indirect way to deepen our understating about unfamiliar cities or foreign countries can never be superior to traveling in person.
1. feast our eyes on v尽情欣赏
2. deepen our insight into exotic culture v 加深对于异国文化的洞察
3. to be well-traveled v游历广泛
So prevailing are movies, magazines and the Internet that few of us can avoid being swayed by them. It is true that people used to rely on direct tour for cultural exploration and visual enjoyment, now people have many more choices largely because of the availability of electronic media or printed books. To illustrate, Tourist is one of my favorite magazines, which usually gives a detailed introduction and vivid description on local conditions and customs of various countries. My insight into foreign countries has been greatly deepened by reading this wonderful tourism magazine.
1. be swayed by 被影响
2. detailed introduction and vivid description 细节介绍和生动描绘
3. wonderful tourism magazine精彩的旅行杂志
What I want to rebut, however, is that indirect experience is definitely not the ideal one to enrich our experience of the world. First, traveling exposes us to new places and cultures. It is good for us to read about distant countries, but it is even better to visit our dream cities or nations in person. What we learn by meeting the people and absorbing the cultures of these places is something we could not learn simply by reading books, watching movies or browsing the Internet. Further, those who never travel to the outside world, usually, are rather restricted in terms of crisis-solving competence,decision-making ability and interpersonal skills even though they might get some indirect information from the mass media, conversely, those who spend time in exploring the world tend to be more well-informed, sharp-minded, sociable and tenacious. From our lives, it is easy to find out a lot of examples to prove that many people familiarize themselves with new countries and deepen their insight into different cultures by going abroad.
1. enrich our experience of the world 丰富我们的人生阅历
2. crisis-solving competence ,decision-making ability and interpersonal skills 危机处理能力,自我决策略能力以及人际交往能力
3. well-informed, sharp-minded, sociable and tenacious 见多识广的, 思维敏锐的,善于社交的,坚韧顽强的
尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由:
In conclusion, drawing on the electronic media or printed books might be a good approach to understand different places or countries, however, traveling in person deserves more praises in terms of broadening our mental horizons and enriching our experience of the world.
1. draw on 利用
2. in terms of 在……方面
3. broaden our mental horizons 拓宽视野