Task 1
20140621:The diagrams below show the changes that has taken place in a village park.
本周六的考试又出现了动态地图题即变迁题,与今年3月1日考试大同小异。就题目本身来说,这个题目并不算难,属于我们所讲的动态比较地图题,与古董剑1 Test 4和剑9 Test 1属于同一类型。但由于地图题源少,出现概率小,很多同学都不重视不熟练,还是形成了一定的难度。
Task 2
20140621:An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?
对目前工作的不满意:the dissatisfaction with the current job
获取信息的途径越来越多样化: the increasingly diversified ways of obtaining information
猎头公司:headhunters; headhunting companies
阻碍职业生涯的发展: hinder the advance of one’s career development
薪资的提升: increase of total compensation; pay rise
劳动市场的自由化: liberalisation of labour market
留住员工: retain employees
经济的活力:vigour of the economy
An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?跳槽以及改变居住城市,你认为是积极的还是消极的?
A increasing number people are changing careers during the working life what do you think the reasons?Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?很多人一生中不断地改变他们的职业,原因何在?你认为是消极的还是积极的?
本文写作要求:原因分析+ 利弊讨论:
1. 题目为中心:明确回答问题;充分论证问题:
2. 逻辑为纲要:清晰的谋篇布局:
3. 词汇为亮点:多变;个性;精准的写作词汇:
4. 句型为基础:多变句型综合使用:
原因分析思考角度:主观原因 + 客观原因:
1. 个人不想终生做一份工作,因为新的工作机会可能带来职业晋升的空间;更好的经济回报;以及专业上的成长。
2. 企业不景气,导致员工的失业:
首段:争议焦点 + 背景介绍 + 写作目的:
二段:原因的展开:主观上 + 客观上
三段:利好的展开:(三点利好 + 细节支持——论证要饱满)
四段:弊端的展开:(两点展开: 从个人和企业角度)
1 主观原因:升官 + 发财 + 长本事。
2. 客观原因:企业不景气,世界市场变化波动,个人不能期待从事一门工作。
1. 专业成长:不断地迎接挑战,多样的职业技能学习的机会;
2. 人生体验:多元职业意味着持久的新鲜感;丰富的工作的经验;相反,单一职业容易产生职业的倦怠。
3. 人脉资源:广阔的人脉资源;建立良好的人际关系网,拥抱更多的发展的机遇。同时,多做一些工作才能找到自己真正喜爱的擅长的工作。
1. 多元职业选择者可能因为过于频繁跳槽而陷入经济困难。
2. 在老板眼里,喜欢跳槽在某种程度上反映了他们的不忠诚而且对工作缺乏奉献精神;因此,新工作可能不容易找到。
首段:争议焦点 + 个性开篇 + (写作目的)
Nothing has received more debate than multiple career choice. Although we may pride ourselves on our reasonable careers, we are no longer free to depend on a single career, for some people become well-educated and cherish big ambition, therefore, fewer people wish to work the same job day in and day out.
点评:本文也可不写首段尾句:This essay aims to explore the reasons of job-hopping and then discuss its pros and cons. 但是,文无定法。本文的创新是争议焦点在背景介绍之前。
The reasons of constant job transition are manifold. Here, some of them will be explored. First, young workers are generally attracted by high salary and possible job-promotion and chances of self-improvement in new job opportunities. Further, many enterprises have been experienced economic downturn, thus sliming down isinevitable. Meanwhile, world markets seem to be always fluctuating. Individual cannot expect to have the same job.
点评:完美的原因的展开:主观谈及客观。slim down v 精简机构
Seen from the positive aspects, a number benefits could be gained via job-hopping. The most glaring merit is thatone could establish well-connected interpersonal relationship, which usually brings about more space for career development. Meanwhile, diverse cultures of different enterprises could be experienced, Another virtue deriving from multiple career choice is that job hoping means a broad range of work and life experience and constant refreshment. Conversely,single career choice sometimes means absenteeism and slack in working. Last,one could acquire various vocational skills, accumulate rich working experience, in this sense, one could embracemore opportunities of success.
establish well-connected interpersonal relationship v 建立良好的人脉资源:
diverse cultures of different enterprises could be experienced v 人可体验不同企业的多元文化
Another virtue deriving from multi-career choice is that 另外一个来自多元职业的利好在于 = further 第二;
means absenteeism and slack in working v 意味着职业的倦怠以及懒散:
acquire various vocational skills v 学习多元的职业技能
embrace more opportunities of success. v 拥抱更多的成功的机会:
savor v 品味……
However,problems invariably ensue. Initially, it is also possible that those job-hoppers fall into financial difficulties if skipping between jobs too frequently. Another demerit is that in the eyes of some business owners, the fondness of job switching reflects, to some extent, employees’ disloyalty and lack of dedication to jobs.
In closing,it is my stand that one of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in selecting their favorite careers. However, in the long run, there is something more important than a stable job prospect. Therefore, ambitious and gifted youngsters should be inspired to explore the unknown and constantly surpass themselves. The multi-career option is universally suitable for vast majority of modern people.
点评:…… should be inspired to explore the unknown and constantly surpass themselves.……应该被鼓励去探究未知的世界,不断自我超越(支持极限运动;支持出国留学):
1. One of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in selecting their favorite jobs. 现在工作方式的一个特征是人们在选择喜爱的工作时有更多的自由(背景介绍)
点评:One of the traits of …… of …… is that ……的重要的特征之一就是……
2. It often happens that people fall into a dilemma when faced with job selection. 人们在面临选择职业时常常会陷入一个进退两难的境地
点评:It often happens that people fall into a dilemma when faced with人们在面临……时常常会陷入一个进退两难的境地(特别适合写作两选类作文)
3. More and more people can no longer be dependent nor want to be dependent on a single career. 越来越多的人既不能也不想从事单一职业(多元职业选择的背景介绍)
4. As the general public becomes well-educated, fewer people wish to work the same job day in and day out. 大众受教育的程度提高,很少愿意日复一日地从事一份工作
点评:job day in and day out 日复一日地:
5. World markets seem to be always changing and fluctuating. Individual cannot expect to have the same job. 世界市场变化波动,个人不能期待从事一门工作
点评:focus on a single career = have the same job 单一职业选择:
6. The multi-career option is universally suitable for many ambitious young adults 多元化职业的是适合很多有梦想的年轻人(主题观点)
点评:…… is universally suitable for …… 普遍适合……
7. However, in the long run, there is something more important than a comfortable salary. 但是从长期来看,还有比高薪更重要的东西
a comfortable salary 高薪:
in the long run = in the long term 从长远看:
comfortable adj 富裕的:
8. Job hoppers refer to those who constantly skip from one job to another. 跳槽者指的是那些经常换工作的人
点评:skip from one job to another = have a multiple career choice 多元职业选择:(注意词汇变化)
9. Young workers are generally attracted by comfortable salary,possible promotion and the chances of self-improvement in new job opportunities. 年轻员工通常会被高薪,晋升的机会,自我提高的机会所吸引
10. Job hoping means a broad range of work and life experience and constant refreshment. 跳槽意味着丰富的工作经验和人生阅历以及持久的新鲜感。
点评:…… means a broad range of work and life experience and constant refreshment …… 意味着丰富的工作经验和人生阅历以及持久的新鲜感(支持间隔年,支持学生社区服务,支持学生兼职;支持年轻人留学)
11. Despite all the merits, the potential drawbacks cannot be neglected. 尽管有这些好处,其弊端也是不可忽视的。
12. One of the potential risks is that constant job transition cannot secure a stable and bright job prospect. 一个潜在的问题就是频繁的跳槽不能保证他们有一个稳定辉煌的职业前景。
job transition 跳槽;
secure a stable and bright job prospect 保证他们有一个稳定辉煌的职业前景(支持学习实用性的技能;支持出国留学)
13. It is also possible that they fall into financial difficulties if skipping between jobs too frequently. 他们还可能因为过于频繁跳槽而陷入经济困难
点评:朴素的文风, 可以搭配华丽的文风:
14. In the eyes of business owners, the fondness of job switching reflects, to some extent, new employees’ disloyalty and lack of dedication to jobs. 在老板眼里,喜欢跳槽在某种程度上反映了他们的不忠诚而且对工作缺乏奉献精神。
点评:to some extent 在某种程度上,插入语的使用显得文章更加活泼。