Task one: 表格 / 线图
2004-2010 在美国人们使用网络引擎的增加以及不同引擎使用的增加及衰退:
Task two: 政府类:
Some people think younger people are not suitable for important positions in government in countries. Some think it will be a good idea for younger people to take on these positions. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为年轻不适合在政府中担任要职,有人认为年轻人应该在政府中担任要职,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。
社会类:(一类重点) Some people said that younger people should hold important positions in the governments. Others believe that it is not proper. Discuss both sides and give your opinions? 有人认为年轻人应该在政府中担任要职,有人反对,讨论两方观点,给出你的意见?(2010年7月10日)
1. undertake = take up = embark on = get involved in = do v承担……
2. jeopardize = endanger = compromise v 危及到……
3. be put at risk v 处于危险
4. enjoy some superiorities v 有优势
5. prosper the economy v 繁荣经济
6. commit blunder v 犯大错
7. inject fresh vitality into v 注入新的活力
8. creative mode of thinking n创造性思维(年轻人的利好)
9. enterprising spirit n 进取精神
10. vigorous = energetic adj 充满活力的
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:
The mightiness of a nation, to large extent, depends on its leader, in this sense, mounting number of young leaders are playing key roles in a nation's management. Conflicting ideas clash in determining whether or not it is feasible to inspire the youth to embark on some crucial jobs in the governments. To voice my opinion, younger people could and should assume the obligation of management in the governmental affairs.
Indeed, plenty of evidence could be explored to justify that young leaders exert a beneficial influence on a nation's prosperity and triumph. The most glaring merit of young leader is that the multiplication of youthful officials or leaders in the governments will inject fresh vitality into the governments, for youngsters, in most cases, have creative mode of thinking, vigorous energy and enterprising spirit. Another merit deriving from young leaders is that they dare to explore the unknown, assume responsibility and challenge themselves. How can a nation become prosperous and mighty if its younger generation fails to be given the opportunities to grow and mature? Last, in comparison with senior leaders, younger leaders usually have less to worry about in terms of personal matters, therefore, they could devote themselves to their motherlands wholeheartedly.
However, still others remain suspicious of my stand. As a proverb goes, there is no garden without weeds. Some people argue that vital government works cannot be undertaken by younger people because so immature and inexperienced are the youngsters that they are more likely to commit blunders ranging from making wrong decisions to failing to fulfill their duties properly. Consequently, citizens' interests will be jeopardized and a nation's prospects will be put at risk if younger governmental officials account for the vast majority of administrative authorities. Still, it is argued that in comparison with the young, senior officials enjoy more superiorities in terms of policy making, crisis management and prospering the national economy.
1. undertake v 承担 ……
2. ranging from A to B 从……到……
3. jeopardize v 危及到……
4. be put at risk 处于危险
5. superiorities n 优势
6. boom the economy v 繁荣经济
7. commit blunder v 犯大错
8. inject new life into v 注入新的活力
9. creative mode of thinking n 创造性思维
10. enterprising spirit 进取的精神
11 vigorous adj充满活力的
In closing, my stand is that it is wise to encourage younger people to embark on some crucial governmental tasks, because they own infinite potentials and will benefit the nation in the long run. My suggestion is that senior officials should provide more guidance and assistance.