If you won $500,000 in the mark six lottery, what would you do? Think about it for a minute (time yourself) then talk about it for a minute or two.
If I won half a million dollars on the Mark 6 lottery? Oooh, that's quite difficult ... Actually, that's not difficult. I would definitely go traveling. I would love to spend about six months not working, just traveling around the places that I'd like to see. I've visited quite a few countries in Asia already, so what I'd really like to do is to visit Australia and New Zealand for a few months and possibly also the United States: either of those places. I've never been to either of those places and because I've lived in Hong Kong for some time now, I've managed to meet people who are based in both of those countries; I could go and visit them. With some more of the money, I might look for a flat or a little house and maybe put down a deposit and start buying one, instead of renting property ... I'd give some of it away; a few presents of maybe about $10,000, to friends and to family, so that they could enjoy themselves a little too, and finally, I think I'd also donate some money to charity, umm ... My favourite charities at the moment are Amnesty International, which works to prevent political injustice; Oxfam, which works in developing countries, mainly with children, against hunger, and Orbis, which provides money for eye operations in developing countries. So I'd give some money to charity, but I don't know how much because that would depend on how much I spent on my holidays!