剑桥4 test4 task2范文中的句子:
But I think the solution to the problem lies with the families, who need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling theirchildren. If they could raise them to be considerate of others and to be social, responsible individuals, the whole community would benefit.
这些词包括one, that, those, so, this, not和do的各种形式。同时,被替代的可以是名词、动词,也可以是句子。
①替代名词(用one, that, those来替代某个名词)
剑桥7 test B task2范文中的句子:
I agree with the view that stars in the entertainment business are usually over paid. However, it is also true that it is onlythose who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salary.
剑桥4 test4 task2范文中的句子:
When they get to school age they have not learnt any self control or discipline. They have less respect for their teachers and refuse to obey school rules in the way that their parents did.
③替代句子(用so, this, 或者not来替代一个句子)
剑桥4 test4 task2范文中的句子:
Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.
剑桥5 test B task2范文中的句子:
I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food.
剑桥5 test2 task2范文中的句子:
The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.
剑桥4 test4 task2范文中的句子:
When they get to school age they have not learnt any self controlordiscipline. They have less respect for their teachers and refuse to obey school rulesin the way that their parents did.
剑桥5 test4 task2范文中的句子:
Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance of inherited characteristics more than ever before.