法律英语:中华人民共和国民法通则 20
日期:2017-11-19 15:32


第六章 民事责任 第三节 侵权的民事责任
Section 3 Civil Liability for Infringement of Rights

第一百一十七条 侵占国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当返还财产,不能返还财产的,应当折价赔偿。
Article 117 Anyone who encroaches on the property of the state, a collective or another person shall return the property; failing that, he shall reimburse its estimated price.

Anyone who damages the property of the state, a collective or another person shall restore the property to its original condition or reimburse its estimated price.

If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well.

第一百一十八条 公民、法人的著作权(版权)、专利权、商标专用权、发现权、发明权和其他科技成果权受到剽窃、篡改、假冒等侵害的,有权要求停止侵害,消除影响,赔偿损失。

Article 118 If the rights of authorship (copyrights), patent rights, rights to exclusive use of trademarks, rights of discovery, rights of invention or rights for scientific and technological research achievements of citizens or legal persons are infringed upon by such means as plagiarism, alteration or imitation, they shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped, its ill effects be eliminated and the damages be compensated for.
第一百一十九条 侵害公民身体造成伤害的,应当赔偿医疗费、因误工减少的收入、残废者生活补助费等费用;造成死亡的,并应当支付丧葬费、死者生前扶养的人必要的生活费等费用。

Article 119 Anyone who infringes upon a citizen's person and causes him physical injury shall pay his medical expenses and his loss in income due to missed working time and shall pay him living subsidies if he is disabled; if the victim dies, the infringe shall also pay the funeral expenses, the necessary living expenses of the deceased's dependents and other such expenses.
第一百二十条 公民的姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,有权要求停止侵害,恢复名誉,消除影响,赔礼道歉,并可以要求赔偿损失。

Article 120 If a citizen's right of personal name, portrait, reputation or honour is infringed upon, he shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped, his reputation be rehabilitated, the ill effects be eliminated and an apology be made; he may also demand compensation for losses.

The above paragraph shall also apply to infringements upon a legal person's right of name, reputation or honour.
第一百二十一条 国家机关或者国家机关工作人员在执行职务中,侵犯公民、法人的合法权益造成损害的,应当承担民事责任。
Article 121 If a state organ or its personnel, while executing its duties, encroaches upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen or legal person and causes damage, it shall bear civil liability.

第一百二十二条 因产品质量不合格造成他人财产、人身损害的,产品制造者、销售者应当依法承担民事责任。运输者、仓储者对此负有责任的,产品制造者、销售者有权要求赔偿损失。
Article 122 If a substandard product causes property damage or physical injury to others, the manufacturer or seller shall bear civil liability according to law. If the transporter or storekeeper is responsible for the matter, the manufacturer or seller shall have the right to demand compensation for its losses.

第一百二十三条 从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境有高度危险的作业造成他人损害的,应当承担民事责任;如果能够证明损害是由受害人故意造成的,不承担民事责任。
Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous to the surroundings, such as operations conducted high aboveground, or those involving high pressure, high voltage, combustibles, explosives, highly toxic or radioactive substances or high- speed means of transport, he shall bear civil liability; however, if it can be proven that the damage was deliberately caused by the victim, he shall not bear civil liability.

第一百二十四条 违反国家保护环境防止污染的规定,污染环境造成他人损害的,应当依法承担民事责任。
Article 124 Any person who pollutes the environment and causes damage to others in violation of state provisions for environmental protection and the prevention of pollution shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

第一百二十五条 在公共场所、道旁或者通道上挖坑、修缮安装地下设施等,没有设置明显标志和采取安全措施造成他人损害的,施工人应当承担民事责任。
Article 125 Any constructor who engages in excavation, repairs or installation of underground facilities in a public place, on a roadside or in a passageway without setting up clear signs and adopting safety measures and thereby causes damage to others shall bear civil liability.