法律英语:中华人民共和国民法通则 7
日期:2017-11-06 18:23
第二章 公民(自然人) 第五节 个人合伙
Section 5 Individual Partnership
第三十条 个人合伙是指两个以上公民按照协议,各自提供资金、实物、技术等,合伙经营、共同劳动。
Article 30 "Individual partnership" refers to two or more citizens associated in a business and working together, with each providing funds, material objects, techniques and so on according to an agreement.
第三十一条 合伙人应当对出资数额、盈余分配、债务承担、入伙、退伙、合伙终止等事项,订立书面协议。
Article 31 Partners shall make a written agreement covering the funds each is to provide, the distribution of profits, the responsibility for debts, the entering into and withdrawal from partnership, the ending of partnership and other such matters.
第三十二条 合伙人投入的财产,由合伙人统一管理和使用。
Article 32 The property provided by the partners shall be under their unified management and use.
The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.
第三十三条 个人合伙可以起字号,依法经核准登记,在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。
Article 33 An individual partnership may adopt a shop name; it shall be approved and registered in accordance with the law and conduct business operations within the range as approved and registered.
第三十四条 个人合伙的经营活动,由合伙人共同决定,合伙人有执行和监督的权利。
Article 34 The operational activities of an individual partnership shall be decided jointly by the partners, who each shall have the right to carry out and supervise those activities. The partners may elect a responsible person.
All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.
第三十五条 合伙的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自的财产承担清偿责任。
Article 35 A partnership's debts shall be secured with the partners' property in proportion to their respective contributions to the investment or according to the agreement made.
Partners shall undertake joint liability for their partnership's debts, except as otherwise stipulated by law.
Any partner who overpays his share of the partnership's debts shall have the right to claim compensation from the other partners.
Section 5 Individual Partnership
第三十条 个人合伙是指两个以上公民按照协议,各自提供资金、实物、技术等,合伙经营、共同劳动。
Article 30 "Individual partnership" refers to two or more citizens associated in a business and working together, with each providing funds, material objects, techniques and so on according to an agreement.
第三十一条 合伙人应当对出资数额、盈余分配、债务承担、入伙、退伙、合伙终止等事项,订立书面协议。
Article 31 Partners shall make a written agreement covering the funds each is to provide, the distribution of profits, the responsibility for debts, the entering into and withdrawal from partnership, the ending of partnership and other such matters.
第三十二条 合伙人投入的财产,由合伙人统一管理和使用。
Article 32 The property provided by the partners shall be under their unified management and use.
The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.
第三十三条 个人合伙可以起字号,依法经核准登记,在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。
Article 33 An individual partnership may adopt a shop name; it shall be approved and registered in accordance with the law and conduct business operations within the range as approved and registered.
第三十四条 个人合伙的经营活动,由合伙人共同决定,合伙人有执行和监督的权利。
Article 34 The operational activities of an individual partnership shall be decided jointly by the partners, who each shall have the right to carry out and supervise those activities. The partners may elect a responsible person.
All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.
第三十五条 合伙的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自的财产承担清偿责任。
Article 35 A partnership's debts shall be secured with the partners' property in proportion to their respective contributions to the investment or according to the agreement made.
Partners shall undertake joint liability for their partnership's debts, except as otherwise stipulated by law.
Any partner who overpays his share of the partnership's debts shall have the right to claim compensation from the other partners.
