法律英语:中华人民共和国民法通则 4
日期:2017-11-03 11:45


第二章 公民(自然人) 第二节 监护
Section Guardianship

第十六条 未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。
Article 16 The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.

If the parents of a minor are dead or lack the competence to be his guardian, a person from the following categories who has the competence to be a guardian shall act as his guardian:

(1) paternal or maternal grandparent;

(2) elder brother or sister; or

(3) any other closely connected relative or friend willing to bear the responsibility of guardianship and having approval from the units of the minor's parents or from the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of the minor's residence.

In case of a dispute over guardianship, the units of the minor's parents or the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence shall appoint a guardian from among the minor's near relatives. If disagreement over the appointment leads to a lawsuit, the people's court shall make a ruling.

If none of the persons listed in the first two paragraphs of this article is available to be the guardian, the units of the minor's parents, the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of the minor's residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian.

第十七条 无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的精神病人,由下列人员担任监护人:
Article 17 A person from the following categories shall act as guardian for a mentally ill person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct:

(1) spouse;

(2) parent;

(3) adult child;

(4) any other near relative;

(5) any other closely connected relative or friend willing to bear the responsibility of guardianship and having approval from the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs or from the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence.

In case of a dispute over guardianship, the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs or the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence shall appoint a guardian from among his near relatives. If disagreement over the appointment leads to a lawsuit, the people's court shall make a ruling.

If none of the persons listed in the first paragraph of this article is available to be the guardian, the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs, the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian.

第十八条 监护人应当履行监护职责,保护被监护人的人身、财产及其他合法权益,除为被监护人的利益外,不得处理被监护人的财产。
Article 18 A guardian shall fulfil his duty of guardianship and protect the person, property and other lawful rights and interests of his ward. A guardian shall not handle the property of his ward unless it is in the ward's interests.

A guardian's rights to fulfil his guardianship in accordance with the law shall be protected by law.

If a guardian does not fulfil his duties as guardian or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of his ward, he shall be held responsible; if a guardian causes any property loss for his ward, he shall compensate for such loss.

The people's court may disqualify a guardian based on the application of a concerned party or unit.

第十九条 精神病人的利害关系人,可以向人民法院申请宣告精神病人为无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人。
Article 19 A person who shares interests with a mental patient may apply to a people's court for a declaration that the mental patient is a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct.

With the recovery of the health of a person who has been declared by a people's court to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, and upon his own application or that of an interested person, the people's court may declare him to be a person with limited or full capacity for civil conduct.

  • disagreementn. 不合,争论,不一致
  • declarev. 宣布,声明,申报
  • declarationn. 宣布,宣言
  • propertyn. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具
  • disputev. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑 n. 争论,争吵,争端
  • guardiann. 保护人,监护人
  • approvaln. 批准,认可,同意,赞同
  • compensatev. 偿还,补偿,付报酬
  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的
  • conductn. 行为,举动,品行 v. 引导,指挥,管理 vt.