日期:2016-10-31 16:12


第三章 保护和改善环境
Article 16. The local people's governments at various levels shall be responsible for the environment quality of areas under their jurisdiction and take measures to improve the environment quality.
第十六条 地方各级人民政府,应当对本辖区的环境质量负责,采取措施改善环境质量。
Article 17. The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, famous regions where karst caves and fossil deposits are distributed, traces of glaciers, volcanoes and hot springs, traces of human history, and ancient and precious trees. Damage to the above shall bestrictly forbidden.
第十七条 各级人民政府对具有代表性的各种类型的自然生态系统区域,珍稀、濒危的野生动植物自然分布区域,重要的水源涵养区域,具有重大科学文化价值的地质构造、著名溶洞和化石分布区、冰川、火山、温泉等自然遗迹,以及人文遗迹、古树名木,应当采取措施加以保护,严禁破坏。
Article 18. Within the scenic spots or historic sites, nature reserves and other zones that need special protection, as designated by the State Council, the relevant competent department under the State Council, and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, no industrial production installations that cause environmental pollution shall be built; other installations to be built in these areas must not exceed the prescribed standards for the discharge of pollutants.
第十八条 在国务院、国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府划定的风景名胜区、自然保护区和其他需要特别保护的区域内,不得建设污染环境的工业生产设施;建设其他设施,其污染物排放不得超过规定的排放标准。
If the installations that have been built discharge more pollutants than are specified by the prescribed discharge standards, such pollution shall be eliminated or controlled within a prescribed period of time.
Article 19. Measures must be taken to protect the ecological environment while natural resources are being developed or utilized.
第十九条 开发利用自然资源,必须采取措施保护生态环境。
Article 20. The people's governments at various levels shall provide better protection for the agricultural environment by preventing and controlling soil pollution, the desertification and alkalization of land, the impoverishment of soil, the deterioration of land into marshes, earth subsidence, the damage of vegetation, soil erosion, the drying up of sources of water , the extinction of species and the occurence and development of other ecological imbalances, by extending the scale of a comprehensive prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, and by promoting a rational application of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and plant growth hormone.
第二十条 各级人民政府应当加强对农业环境的保护,防治土壤污染、土地沙化、盐渍化、贫瘠化、沼泽化、地面沉降和防治植被破坏、水土流失、水源枯竭、种源灭绝以及其他生态失调现象的发生和发展,推广植物病虫害的综合防治,合理使用化肥、农药及植物生长激素。
Article 21. The State Council and the people's governments at various levels in coastal areas shall provide better protection for the marine environment. The discharge of pollutants and the dumping of wastes into the seas, the construction of coastal projects, and the exploration and exploitation of offshore oil must be conducted in compliance with legal provisions so as to guard against the pollution and damage of the marine environment.
第二十一条 国务院和沿海地方各级人民政府应当加强对海洋环境的保护。向海洋排放污染物、倾到废弃物,进行海岸工程建设和海洋石油勘探开发,必须依照法律的规定,防止对海洋环境的污染损害。
Article 22. The targets and tasks for protecting and improving the environment shall be defined in urban planning.
第二十二条 制定城市规划,应当确定保护和改善环境的目标和任务。
Article 23. In urban and rural construction, vegetation, waters and the natural landscape shall be protected and attention paid to the construction of gardens, green land and historic sites and scenic spots in the cities in the light of the special features of the local natural environment.
第二十三条 城乡建设应当结合当地自然环境的特点,保护植被、水域和自然景观,加强城市园林、绿地和风景名胜区的建设。
