日期:2016-10-24 16:19


Article 8 Local Red Cross Societies at or above the county level shall be established according to the division of the administrative areas and manned with full-time staff members according to the actual need of work.
第八条 县级以上按行政区域建立地方各级红十字会,根据实际工作需要配备专职工作人员。
Where necessary, the Red Cross Societies may be established in different national trades and professions.
The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall be established in the country.
Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members. The Councils shall democratically elect their Presidents and Vice- Presidents.
第九条 各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。理事会民主选举产生会长和副会长。
When the congresses of members of the Red Cross Societies at various levels are not in session, the Councils thereof shall implement the decisions made by the congresses.
The Councils shall be responsible to the congresses of members, report on their work to them and accept their supervision.
The Red Cross Societies at higher levels shall direct the work of the Societies at lower levels.
Article 10 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have an Honorary President and several Honorary Vice-Presidents. The Honorary President and Honorary Vice-Presidents shall be invited by the Council of the Federation.
第十条 中国红十字会总会设名誉会长和名誉副会长。各誉会长和名誉副会长由中国红十字会总会理事会聘请。
Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization; the local Red Cross Societies at various levels and the Red Cross Societies of different trades and professions shall acquire the status of legal persons as social organizations according to law.
第十一条 中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;地方各级红十字会、行业红十字会依法取得社会团体法人资格。
Article 12 The Red Cross Society shall perform the following functions and duties:
第十二条 红十字会履行下列职责:
(1) to make preparations for disaster relief; in cases of natural calamities and emergencies, to offer relief and assistance to the sick, the injured and other victims;
(2) to disseminate knowledge about hygiene, rescue skills and disease prevention, conduct training in elementary hygiene and rescue skills, organize the masses to participate in on-the-spot rescue operations; participate in the work of blood transfusion and donation, promote gratuitous donation of blood, and provide other humanitarian services;
(3) to develop the Red Cross activities among teenagers;
(4) to take part in international humanitarian relief work;
(5) to propagate the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement and the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols;
(6) to fulfil the tasks entrusted by the people's government in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement; and
(7) to conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
