日期:2016-07-20 20:24


Article 58 The State adopts preferential measures to encourage and help schools to launch work-study programs, to provide services for the community and to set up schools factories, on condition that this shall not affect the normal education and teaching.

第五十八条 国家采取优惠措施,鼓励和扶持学校在不影响正常教育教学的前提下开展勤工俭学和社会服务,兴办校办产业。

Article 59 With the approval of the people's governments at the county level, people's governments of townships, nationality townships or towns may, on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability, raise funds in their own administrative areas for education. Funds thus raised shall be used for renovation and repairs of dilapidated buildings and construction of new buildings for schools providing compulsory education; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes.

第五十九条 经县级人民政府批准,乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府根据自愿、量力的原则,可以在本行政区域内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。

Article 60 The State encourages social organizations and individuals both at home and abroad to donate money for education in China.

第六十条 国家鼓励境内、境外社会组织和个人捐资助学。

Article 61 Educational appropriations from the State and contributions and donations offered by social organizations or individuals for education shall be used for education; they shall not be diverted to any other purposes or withheld.

第六十一条 国家财政性教育经费、社会组织和个人对教育的捐赠,必须用于教育,不得挪用、克扣。

Article 62 The State encourages the use of loans and other financial means to support the development of educational undertakings.

第六十二条 国家鼓励运用金融、信贷手段,支持教育事业的发展。

Article 63 People's governments at various levels and their administrative departments of education shall strengthen supervision and control over educational appropriations for schools and other institutions of education in order to achieve better results of investment in education.

第六十三条 各级人民政府及其教育行政部门应当加强对学校及其他教育机构教育经费的监督管理,提高教育投资效益。

Article 64 Local people's governments at various levels and their relevant administrative departments shall incorporate capital construction for schools into rural and urban construction plans, make overall arrangements for the land and materials needed for capital construction for schools, and give priority to and adopt preferential policies towards such capital construction in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.

第六十四条 地方各级人民政府及其有关行政部门必须把学校的基本建设纳入城乡建设规划,统筹安排学校的基本建设用地及所需物资,按照国家有关规定实行优先、优惠政策。

Article 65 People's governments at various levels shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, give priority and adopt preferential policies with regard to the publication and distribution of textbooks and other printed materials for teaching and learning purposes, the production and supply of teaching and learning instruments and equipment, and the importation of books and other printed materials, teaching and learning instruments and equipment for education and scientific research.

第六十五条 各级人民政府对教科书及教学用图书资料的出版发行,对教学仪器、设备的生产和供应,对用于学校教育教学和科学研究的图书资料、教学仪器、设备的进口,按照国家有关规定实行优先、优惠政策。

Article 66 People's governments at or above the county level shall develop satellite television education and other modern means for teaching and learning, and the administrative departments concerned shall give such development priority and support.

第六十六条 县级以上人民政府应当发展卫星电视教育和其他现代化教学手段,有关行政部门应当优先安排,给予扶持。

The State encourages the wide use of modern means in teaching and learning by schools and other institutions of education.

