日期:2016-06-15 09:43


"Article 55 Where the object of action is of the same category and the persons comprising one of the parties is large but uncertain in number at the commencement of the action, the people's court may issue a public notice, stating the particulars and claims of the case and informing those entitled to participate in the action to register their rights with the people's court within a fixed period of time."

第五十五条 诉讼标的是同一种类、当事人一方人数众多在起诉时人数尚未确定的,人民法院可以发出公告,说明案件情况和诉讼请求,通知权利人在一定期间向人民法院登记。

Those who have registered their rights with the people's court may elect representatives from among themselves to proceed with the litigation;


"if the election fails its purpose, such representatives may be determined by the people's court through consultation with those who have registered their rights with the court."


"The acts of such representative in the litigation shall be valid for the party they represent; however, modification or waiver of claims or admission of the claims of the other party or pursuing a compromise with the other party by the representatives shall be subject to the consent of the party they represent."


The judgments or written orders rendered by the people's court shall be valid for all those who have registered their rights with the court.


Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action.


"Article 56 If a third party considers that he has an independent claim to the object of action of both parties, he shall have the right to bring an action."

第五十六条 对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人认为有独立请求权的,有权提起诉讼。

"Where the outcome of the case will affect a third party's legal interest, such party, though having no independent claim to the object of action of both parties, may file a request to participate in the proceedings or the people's court shall notify the third party to participate. "


A third party that is to bear civil liability in accordance with the judgment of the people's court shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of a party in litigation.

