The computer scientist Niklaus Wirth stated that: Programs = Algorithms + Data
计算机科学家Niklaus Wirth提出这样的公式:程序=算法+数据。
The algorithm is part of the blueprint or plan for the computer program; an algorithm is: "An effective procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps."
It is effective, which means that an answer is found and it finishes, that is it has a finite number of steps. A well-designed algorithm will always provide an answer, and it may not be the answer you want but there will be an answer. It may be that the answer is that there is no answer. A well-designed algorithm is also guaranteed to terminate.
The key features of an algorithm are:
Sequence (also known as Process),Decision (also known as Selection),Repetition (also known as Iteration or Looping)
In 1964 the mathematicians Corrado Bohm and Guiseppe Jacopini demonstrated that any algorithm can be stated using sequence, decision and repetition. The work of Bohm and Jacopini was of great importance since it eventually led to the disciplines of structured program design that are much used today.
Sequence means that each step or process in the algorithm is executed in the specified order. In an algorithm each process must be in the correct place, otherwise the algorithm will most probably fail.
The Decision constructs-If ... then, If ... then ... else ...
判断结构——If...then. If... then...else...
In algorithms the outcome of a decision is either true or false, and there is no in between. The outcome of the decision is based on some condition that can only result in a true or false value.
The decision takes the form: if proposition then process
判断语句的形式为:if (条件)then (过程)
A proposition in this sense is a statement, which can only be true or false. It is either true that today is Wednesday or false that today is Wednesday. It can't be both true and false. If the proposition is true then the process, which follows the then, is executed.
The decision can also be stated as:
if proposition
if (条件)
then process1
else process2
This is the if ... then ... else ... form of the decision. This means that if the proposition is true then execute process1 else or otherwise execute process2.
这是if... then ...else...形式的判断语句,表示如果条件的结果为真,则执行过程1,否则执行过程2。
The first form of the decision if proposition then process has a null else, that is, there is no else.
The Repetition constructs-Repeat and While
Repetition takes two forms, the Repeat loop and the While loop.
The repeat loop is used to iterate or repeat a process or sequence of processes until some condition becomes true. It has the general form:
The repeat loop does some processing before testing the state of the proposition.
The while loop is used to iterate or repeat a process or sequence of processes while some condition becomes true. It has the general form:
The while loop tests the state of the proposition first.
There are four different ways of stating algorithms: Step-Form, Pseudocode, Flowchart, and Nassi-Schneiderman.
The first two are written forms. The written form is just normal language. A problem with human language is that it can seem to be imprecise. In terms of meaning, what I write may not be the same as what you read. Pseudocode is also human language but tends toward more precision by using a limited vocabulary.
The last two are graphically-oriented, that is they use symbols and language to represent sequence, decision and repetition.
Flow charts are a graphical method of designing programs and once the rules are learned they are very easy to draw. A well-drawn flow chart is also very easy to read.
The major symbols are the DECISION (also known as selection) and the SEQUENCE (or process) symbols. The START and STOP symbols are called the terminals. The SUBPROCESS symbol is a variation on the sequence symbol.