金融英语:金融世界 第十七讲(有声)
日期:2011-08-29 09:37


在上次节目中,我们介绍了各国中央银行或储备银行的职能。它的一个主要功能是:lender of last resort - 最后贷款人。


Support for the safety of the banking system via a lender of last resort mechanism became the most important function of central banks in the early twentieth century. However, the capacity of central banks to support commercial banks in trouble and to prevent a loss of confidence in all deposit taking institutions should not be overestimated.




1. capital 资本
2. information gatherer 信息收集人
3. co-ordinator 协调人
4. corral 把...集合在一起
5. rescue 救援


Central banks have never actually had that much capital of their own, and they've never been able to finance any large scale rescue entirely on their own. Instead they act as information gatherers and co-ordinators of the banking system and they encourage and corral the banks as a group to provide support and assistance to the bank in difficulty.

And that has actually been the case more or less throughout ... and the Bank of England has acted as the co-ordinator and the central operator of a rescue system, rather than doing it all by itself.

More recently, the willingness of the banks to get together to bail out and support their colleagues has actually been diminishing with the more competitive system we now have. And effectively now the fund to bail out or to provide any large scale support system for the banks has to come from the taxpayer.







The global depression of the 1930s and the demands for economic controls during the second world war thrust new responsibilities upon central banks. New economic ideas, principally those of the English economist John Maynard Keynes, legitimated a more interventionist set of government policies to direct the economy in pursuit of full employment and price stability.


1. global depression 全球经济萧条
2. legitimate 使...合法化
3. interventionist 干涉主义者,干涉主义的
4. full employment 充分就业,全面就业
5. price stability 价格稳定




The central bank was an institution that was already in existence, that now could act as agent for the government, combined with what we call fiscal policy, in bringing about full employment, price stability and so on. This became really their dominant or prime function from the end of the Second World War probably up until the 1970s. It's really the exercise of monetary policy which becomes the overriding objective. The older ones of lender of last resort, managing the note issue, being banker to government, really slide back into the background.





1. capital 资本
2. information gatherer 信息收集人
3. co-ordinator 协调人
4. corral 把...集合在一起
5. rescue 救援
6. global depression 全球经济萧条
7. legitimate 使...合法化
8. interventionist 干涉主义者,干涉主义的
9. full employment 充分就业,全面就业
10. price stability 价格稳定



  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • capacityn. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位 adj. (达到最
  • diminishingv. 减少;衰减;递减;削弱…的权势(diminish的
  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • fiscaladj. 财政的,国库的
  • competitiveadj. 竞争的,比赛的
  • effectivelyadv. 事实上,有效地
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • overridingadj. 最主要的
  • corraln. 畜栏 vt. 赶入,围住,聚集