金融英语:金融世界 第十四讲(有声)
日期:2011-08-25 08:52


在这一讲中我们要继续跟您谈谈 floating exchange rates 浮动汇率和 fixed exchange rates 固定汇率问题。在上一讲中,我们为您介绍了澳大利亚从一九八三年开始实行澳元的浮动汇率制。在此之前,澳大利亚同世界上大多数国家一样,曾实行过各种不同的固定汇率制,包括:

1. Gold Standard 金本位制
2. Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林货币体系
3. crawling peg system 蠕动钉住汇率制


One of the most important benefits of floating exchange rates is that they help to insulate the domestic economy against shocks. For example under fixed exchange rates, if an export market collapses, the adverse impact is transmitted fully to the domestic economy. It may be said that we achieve stability of the exchange rate at the cost of domestic instability.

However, if a similar thing happens under floating exchange rates, the automatic depreciation of the dollar helps to offset the negative domestic effects. In other words, we get relative domestic stability at the cost of exchange rate instability.

Furthermore, our domestic economic policy options are themselves significantly affected by whether exchange rates are fixed or floating.


1. insulate 隔绝
2. adverse impact 不利影响
3. transmit 传导
4. depreciation 贬值
5. offset 抵销,补偿







1. monetary policy 货币政策
2. fiscal policy 财政政策
3. trade balance 贸易收支
4. deficit (预算)赤字


When you have a fixed exchange rate, then monetary policy does not have a great deal of influnce on domestic economic activity. Under a floating rate, a change in the interest rate has quite a powerful effect on the exchange rate and, through the trade balance, has a much bigger effect on the level of economic activity. So floating rates do make monetary policy more potent than a fixed rate system.

The opposite is true for fiscal policy, because if the government decides it wants to run a bigger deficit because it thinks that would expand the economy, what will happen, of course, is that the domestic interest rate will go up, that will lead to the opposite change in the trade balance, and that will offset some of the fiscal expansion. So the relative efficacy of fiscal and monetary policy and how you need to use those tools does change depending on what system you're under.






In general, the record of fixed exchange rate regimes, at least in this century, has not been wholly impressive. Not only did they fail to maintain exchange rate stability, but they gave speculators virtually underwritten opportunities for destabilising profit-making that simply do not exist in a floating rate system.




1. insulate 隔绝
2. adverse impact 不利影响
3. transmit 传导
4. depreciation 贬值
5. offset 抵销,补偿
6. monetary policy 货币政策
7. fiscal policy 财政政策
8. trade balance 贸易收支
9. deficit (预算)赤字


  • instabilityn. 不安定,不稳定(性)
  • transmitvt. 传输,传送,代代相传,传达 vi. (以无线电或
  • insulatev. 使 ... 绝缘,隔离 [计算机] 绝缘
  • efficacyn. 功效
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • fiscaladj. 财政的,国库的
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • offsetn. 抵销,支派,平版印刷,弯管,[计]偏移量 vt.
  • expansionn. 扩大,膨胀,扩充